

Welcome Tommy’s Pizza

I meant to post this a while ago but it didn’t happen. The recent discussion on the Facebook Page reminded me though. Tommy’s Pizza is new to the neighborhood taking over for the the last of the rating cycle of pizza places at 11754 15th Ave NE #2. I went it and checked it out […]

Local Free Acupuncture

There’s another upcoming free event at a local Pinehurst business that we got sent:

Start the Labor Day Holiday weekend with FREE ACUPUNCTURE!!

Yes, we are still offering our once monthly Free for Me and My Friend days at NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE. Bring someone new to the clinic on one […]

Free Week at Two Dog Yoga

FREE WEEK! at Two Dog Yoga….just north of the Lake City Library at 12549 28th NE **Celebrating 20 years in Lake City**

Monday, August 29 – Sunday, September 4

Posted by Nancy | August 19th, 2011 | Category: Businesses | 2 comments

Kids Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park

This week five year old Iman’s nice summer scene is beautifying our park.

Take a stroll to Pinehurst Pocket Park to see this new artwork in the kiosk. The park is at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE.

Thanks, Iman, nice work!


August Residential Crime Report

This message is from our Crime Prevention Coodinator, Terrie Johnston:

Hope those of you who participated in our 27th Annual Night Out on August 2nd enjoyed Seattle’s biggest Crime Prevention celebration. 1,327 blocks registered this year, a 12% increase in participation from last year (approx. 720 blocks in the North Precinct participated, twice the number […]

Pinehurst Pets – Kent

Kent, otherwise known as Tweety, had a sleepover with a neighbor last weekend. His people went out of town, so Kent got to have an adventure of his own. At his host’s house he spread good cheer – plus some errant seeds and little feathers. In other words, Kent is a bit messy!

If […]

Lake City Public Safety Meeting 8/31

The city is holding a meeting at the Lake City Community Center on Wednesday, August 31st at 6PM to address public safety issues in Lake City. Below is the meeting announcement from the mayor’s office.


Recent Burglaries targeting Cash

KOMO is reporting that four homes in Pinehurst and Olympic Hills were broken into on August 1st, and in all cases the stolen items were cash, including coins.

Keep your doors and windows locked, and keep your cash/coins out of sight!

Northgate Light Rail Station Area Online Survey

Did you miss the Open House last week? If so, the Community Design Study still wants to hear from you!

Tell it your thoughts on how to create a vital community at the future Northgate light-rail station by taking the online survey:

The City of Seattle, King County, […]

Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park

This week we begin displaying the art that kids did at Pinehurstfest. First up is 4 year old Sooah’s self-portrait. I thnk that’s her brother on the right. Nice work, Sooah, and thanks for making our park beautiful this week!

Come see this in person at the park, located at NE 117th St and 19th […]