

Note from Crime Prevention Coordinator Terrie Johnston

I  just completed my first month as your North Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator.  I have introduced myself to the University, Broadview, Wedgwood, Pinehurst, Wallingford neighborhoods and have meetings scheduled in Blue Ridge; Ballard; Crown Hill; Sunset Hills and a walk with FAWN is also booked.  

In reviewing the residential burglary reports for the past couple of weeks, I noted some trends worth mentioning.

The majority of May’s burglaries occurred through open and unlocked windows/doors.   This means  that these burglaries may have been prevented if the residents had used their available locks.  We encourage you to keep your windows/doors closed and locked whenever you are away from home, even if you are only dashing out for a quick errand.   Limit how far your windows will open by using snug-fitting dowels in the tracks of sliders; sash pins in double-hung windows and track latches.  We advise pinning the windows open no more than 4 inches.

A few entries were made through the “dog door”.   In many of the forced-entry burglaries, the thief used the victim’s tools to pry open the back door, or threw decorative bricks or rocks from the homeowner’s yard through the window.  Burglars love secluded back yards since they allow the thief more time to gain entry.  Most burglaries occur during the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Electronics, jewelry, cash were the main items taken.  Car keys, check books and rare collectable sneakers were also reported stolen.  Most of the victims could not provide the detectives with neither photographs of the valuables, nor serial numbers of the electronic.  We encourage you to make an Inventory list of your valuables and keep that in a secure location, such as a safety deposit box or safe.  Doing so may assist the police in the case of recovering stolen property. 

Ready for some good news?  Yesterday afternoon a watchful neighbor called 9-1-1 to report a suspicious circumstance.  The caller reported seeing two unknown people coming out of her neighbor’s backyard.  She was able to give a great description to the call takerof the 2 white males and even provided a partial license plate number to the car in which they left.  Patrol officers arrived within minutes and upon searching the house verified it had been burglarized.  Other officers recognized the wanted suspect from the description and drove to the thief’s nearby home.  The two suspects were there and arrested.  Burglary Detectives from the North Precinct responded to the scene for evidence collection and to further process the scene.    All of this happened because  a watchful neighbor trusted her gut feelings that something was wrong and called 9-1-1!   Great good work done by all involved.

National Night Out will be on Tuesday, August 2nd this year.  I will let you know shortly when the on-line application page of our website is open for your registration.  Give me a call to schedule a Block Watch meeting or for a free home security assessment.  Thanks for sharing this information with your contact lists.  tj

Seattle Police Crime Prevention


May 31 Thornton Creek Park #1 Planning Meeting

Please attend, listen to your neighbors’ opinions, express your wishes, and leave a written comment in our log if you wish. 

Tuesday May 31, 2011 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
 St Matthew Parish Conference Rooms
1240 NE 127th Street, Seattle WA 98125
 Light refreshments and parking

Friends of Thornton Creek Park #1, a neighborhood organization, has adopted and is stewarding the Thornton Creek Park #1 Natural Area, between 10th and 15th Avenues NE and north of 130th Street.

Friends recently received an $18,000 Seattle Department of Neighborhood Small & Simple Grant for community outreach and planning, with the assistance of landscape architect Peggy Gaynor, GAYNOR, Inc. The planning and design workshops, listed above, are the first step in creating a vision and action plan for the future of the park. Our goals are to preserve and restore the natural habitats, keep the park wildlife-friendly and provide environmentally-sensitive pedestrian access to the park.

Please come join your neighbors and provide your input, to create a vision for Thornton Creek Park #1.

For maps showing the area of the Park, and for photos taken in the Park, see pages in this site

To submit your comments directly, email to

Revisiting Graffiti

I’ll get to graffiti in a minute.  But first, Officer Kipp Strong attended our community meeting May 26. He’s on the Community Police Team, and Pinehurst is in his assigned area. CPT officers don’t respond to 911 calls, but are instead assigned a specific area to focus on long-term, often chronic problems. They patrol many times a day, checking and re-checking known “hot spots”.

It’s their job to know the residents in troubled houses, to recognize by sight regulars who congregate on the corner, and to understand the ongoing problems and concerns of neighbors and businesses. CPT is about understanding ongoing issues that go back weeks and months and taking steps to prevent problems before they arise.

Back to graffiti – We asked Officer Strong what we can do about the graffiti in our neighborhood. He says most of our graffiti  is by high school kids, not gangs. To reduce graffiti he encourages us to let him know about recurring tags. If we email close-up photos of tags to him, he can go to the local schools and work with the administrators to identify the taggers and deal with them. Let’s try it! His email address is

NE 115th St Sidewalk Update

Seattle Department of Transportation has completed the 100% design for the new sidewalk on NE 115th St between 5th Ave NE and 7th Ave NE.

NE 115th – 5th to 7th – 100% Sidewalk Plan 1
NE 115th – 5th to 7th – 100% Sidewalk Plan 2

The sidewalk will be on the south side of the street. The sidewalk will start at 5th Ave NE as a 6′ wide asphalt surface with a concrete curb. Due to the large Madrone trees, there will be no planting strip along the corner lot. Once past the corner lot, the sidewalk will taper away from the street to make room for a 7½’ planting strip.

Parking will be allowed on the south side against the curb; no parking will be allowed on the north side.

There will be no improvement to the drainage on the north side of the street. Where the sidewalk will end at 5th Ave NE, Seattle Public Utilities will add a new storm water drain/inlet. This is a significant (costly) aspect of the project.

Construction is expected to occur this summer.

Bark! invites you to “Game Night” June 5

Bark! Espresso at 11335 Roosevelt Way NE is hosting a “Game Night” on Sunday afternoon, June 5, 3 pm – 5 pm, open to everyone.

Staff will be on hand to serve beverages hot and cold, along with locally made baked goodies.

Bring a board or card game to share and a friend!

Pinehurst Community Meeting Today!

Not quite today since it’s 11pm but I figure most people won’t see this until tomorrow…

Thursday, May 26th at 7:00 pm

Amante Pizza and Pasta
12319 Roosevelt Way NE,
Seattle, WA 98125

Officer Kipp Strong from the North Precinct Community Police Team will be attending and we can get more info on how the Community Police Team works.

Also, on the officers and bylaws. We don’t have anything ready to vote on tomorrow. We’re just looking at how to get more participation and feedback on how things are working.

7:00 – 7:05 = Welcome/Introductions
7:05 – 7:25 = Crime Prevention
7:25 – 7:40 = PCC officers and Bylaws
7:40 – 7:50 = Pinehurst Shelterhouse Status and Use
7:50 – 8:00 = Neighborhood Geography
8:00 – 8:10 = Announcements
8:10 – 8:30 = Pinehurstfest Planning!

Local Grief Support Groups

A Pinehurst resident sent the following information on her grief support groups now forming in Northgate:

Don’t do it alone, if you are suffering after a significant loss consider joining a grief support group of 4-6 adults all pre-screened by the professional facilitator, Kristina Callender, MSW, LICSW. All groups meet weekday evenings in Northgate

The Women’s Journey, a female grief support group
Receive support as you learn, share and reflect about your journey of bereavement after a life-changing loss. Kristina will provide a complimentary introductory session to all pre-screened women to meet each other, learn about the group content and expectations. If you choose to join “The Women’s Journey” session charge is $20 per session number 2 thru 6. Discount if paid in full at session 2, just $ 95 for the 6 week healing process

Dog Gone or Cat Loss for Pet Loss Bereavement
Receive support as you learn, share and reflect about your journey of bereavement after the loss of a beloved pet. Two separate small groups, one for canine and one for feline bereavement. Join us for 4 weekly sessions, just $ 75 for the four week healing process.

Call for a free screening to determine if mutual aid will help you in your journey of grief. Kristina Callender is a clinical social worker specializing in grief counseling who has personal and professional experience with bereavement.

Don’t miss this opportunity to receive mutual support during a very lonely time, call Kristina directly at (206) 551- 7372.

To learn more about the speaker, events and services please visit the webpage:

This Week’s Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park

Three year old Evan, a frequent visitor to the Pinehurst Pocket Park, made a finger painting for us. He sure has the right idea about spring and flowers blooming, doesn’t he? Bring on the warm weather!

No matter what the weather, swing by the park at NE 117th St and 19th Ave NE to take a stroll and enjoy Evan’s creation. Beautiful work, Evan; thank you for sharing it!Evan- 3YO

Thornton Creek Park #1 Planning Meeting Report

The Friends of Thornton Creek Park #1 got a grant a while back. April 13th they held the first of their public meetings to plan restoration of part of the Thornton Creek Park near Jackson Golf Course. See the report here.

 The second Public Meeting will be Tuesday May 31, 2011, 6:30PM in the St Matthew Parish Conference Rooms, 1270 NE 127th Street

Community Meeting THIS Thursday

We’ve got a very busy meeting this Thursday, May 26th at 7:00 pm. Everybody is welcome to attend so please help spread the word.

Amante Pizza and Pasta
12319 Roosevelt Way NE,
Seattle, WA 98125

7:00 – 7:05 = Welcome/Introductions
7:05 – 7:25 = Crime Prevention
7:25 – 7:40 = PCC officers and Bylaws
7:40 – 7:50 = Pinehurst Shelterhouse Status and Use
7:50 – 8:00 = Neighborhood Geography
8:00 – 8:10 = Announcements
8:10 – 8:30 = Pinehurstfest Planning!

More Details:
Continue reading Community Meeting THIS Thursday