

Pinehurst Picks

We have a nice winter garden here –



Please feel free to send in photos of art – or anything unexpected and fun – you see on your walks around the neighborhood to

November 2014 Pinehurst Crime Map

Here is a partial picture of Pinehurst property crime for the month. Click on the map to enlarge it.

You can see ALL the types of crime at Select the North neighborhood and enter a date range.


Northgate Way Improvements Completed


SDOT Safety Review of 5th Ave NE

Update from SDOT’s Dongho Chang  on their safety review of 5th Ave NE (after the tragic accident in April that took the life of Sandhya Khadka):

“I have conducted a safety review of the corridor on 5th Avenue NE between NE 130th Street and NE Northgate Way (NE 110th Street). 5th Avenue NE is classified as a collector arterial street with a 30 mph speed limit. The segment is approximately one mile in length, generally has a 60 feet right of way with 40 feet roadway (parking permitted on both sides, one lane of traffic in each direction, planting strip/sidewalks/curbs/lighting), and widens to 90 feet right of way near 112th Street with 66 feet roadway. Metro routes 41 and 242 serve the community with stops on 5th Avenue NE. There are marked crosswalks at NE 130th St, NE 123rd St, NE 117th St, NE 115th St, NE 112th St, and NE Northgate Way. 5th Avenue NE carries 12,800 vehicles per day just north of NE Northgate Way.

A total 45 reported collisions occurred during the latest three year period within this one mile section (which is relatively low compared with other arterial streets).

  • Two most common collision types are angle (18 total, 40% of the collisions) and rear-end (9 total, 20% of the collisions).
  • Most of the angle collisions occurred at the intersections of 5th Ave NE and NE 125th St (8 collisions) and at 5th Ave NE and the NE 130th St off-ramp (5 collisions). These two locations also had the highest number of total collision in the segment.
  • One pedestrian collision occurred at NE 115th Street resulting in a fatality. (A vehicle backing up and striking another car at 127th Street is mislabeled as a pedestrian collision in the summary report. We will correct this in our database).

The collision review indicates that 5th Avenue NE at NE 125th Street and NE 130th Street need additional attention. The angle collisions at NE 125th Street all involved westbound NE 125th Street drivers colliding with northbound 5th Avenue NE drivers. We will review sightlines to reduce these collisions. The collisions occurring between I-5 off ramp and NE 130th Street involve off ramp drivers colliding with 5th Avenue NE drivers. We will be working with Sound Transit to reconfigure the off ramp as part of the light rail project to eliminate these type of collisions at this location.”

Tips from a Car Thief

Car ProwlHere are tips from a Seattle car thief on how to keep your car safe in Seattle. Flamingmoon Kine is in prison, but he now wants to help society, so he agreed to be interviewed by The Stranger. Here are his tips copied from the resulting article:

“Keeping a clean car is the best thing you can possibly do,” Kime said. “Don’t leave things in the visual area that with a little effort could be kept in the trunk. And don’t buy or own a Honda between the years of 1988 and 2004, or a Nissan, period!”

Kime said it only takes a $2 piece of equipment that can be found at any hardware store to efficiently shatter your back window. “A car alarm doesn’t even always go off when you break a window,” he said, “only when you open the door. So you can peel a car out without even setting off the alarm.”

“Jackets are a big thing,” Kime said. “When someone sees a jacket, a suit jacket especially, or a nice f***ing North Face, they’re thinking there will be a wallet in it, and they’ll risk breaking a window just to check.”

Kime said he even knows someone who found $10,000 cash in a McDonald’s Happy Meal bag inside an unlocked car full of garbage, so keeping a disgustingly messy car isn’t a deterrent.

An occasional vehicle may be dismantled and sold piece by piece on eBay or Craigslist, but both Kime and Fowler laughed at the notion of chop shops. “Not in Seattle,” said Kime. “The cars just get driven around until they get too hot.”

“If the garden-variety thief sees a Club [on the steering wheel], he’ll maybe go to a different car,” said Scafidi. Kime backed up this idea. He disagreed with the Seattle Police Department’s advice to park in a well-lit place, however. “Parking in a well-lit area will just make it easier to see everything in the car,” Kime said. “When you exit your vehicle, take a quick look and think like a thief: What would I mistake for a potential valuable?”

Kids’ Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park

AileenContinuing our kids’ popular dragon theme, here is the latest art in the Pinehurst Pocket Park kiosk at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE. Aileen, 9 years old, drew it at this summer’s Pinehurstfest. Her positioning of the subject is really quite sophisticated, with its wings going beyond the edges of the paper. Nice work, Aileen!  And it is really brightening up the park!

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.

Roosevelt Jazz Nutcracker


The acclaimed jazz band of Roosevelt High School performs a JAZZ NUTCRACKER, as arranged creatively by Duke Ellington and Billy Stayhorn.  There are just two performances:

  • Saturday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, December 7 at 2:00 p.m.

You may reserve tickets here.

No need to struggle against snarled traffic and scarce parking downtown when you can relax and enjoy this live music right here in Northeast Seattle. If you have never been inside the high school, but have marveled at its bold and beautiful facade, this is your chance to explore! The school (and the performances) are located at 1410 NE 66th Street.

Nathan Hale Urban Farm, First Design Meeting 12/14/2014


Nathan Hale Urban Farm First Design Meeting

Sunday, December 14, 2014
9:00am – 9:30am
Tour @ the Greenhouse
north of Jane Addams Middle School
11051 34th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98125

10:00am – 2:00pm
Community Forum @
Nathan Hale High School,
10750 30th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98125

Lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP by clicking on this link.

Like Us on Facebook: hale.horticulture

Walking Seattle – Pinehurst

WalkingSeattleIn 2010 I signed up for a Seattle Parks and Recreation art class at Volunteer Park. A fellow classmate told me she’d just retired. She said her (first) retirement goal was to walk every public street in Seattle and blog about her walks. She finished this April, covering 2,722 miles and wearing out six pairs of shoes.

Here is her blog post about Pinehurst:

Pretty good review, eh?

Pinehurst Picks


This one is easy; you probably know where it is. But do you know WHAT it is? It’s a “replica” of the historic Pinehurst steam tractor owned by M.L. Beerbower and kept in a garage quite close to the location of this replica. Neighborhood children loved to get rides on it. The design of this sculpture was stylized to be safe for children in this public setting.

Please feel free to send in photos of art – or anything unexpected and fun – you see on your walks around the neighborhood to