

Master Ricky’s Haunted Cemetery – Halloween

pumpkinMaster Ricky’s Haunted Cemetery will be open Halloween night from 7pm until 10pm.

Children must be accompanied by an adult (over 18). This is a family-friendly haunted walk-through and we will do our best to create an environment which is scary but not traumatizing. There will be no blood and no grabbing of guests.

Candy will be available for guests upon exiting from the production.

The address is 1910 120th St. in Pinehurst.

Hope to see you there!

Master Ricky’s Haunted Cemetery – Preview

pumpkinHello Neighbors! Master Ricky’s Haunted Cemetery will be open for Pinehurst neighborhood children and parents to preview the cemetery on Thursday from 4:30pm until 6:00pm for pumpkin carving. There will be no costumes, no scary music, no creepy lighting.

They will provide one pumpkin per family and carving utensils for those who RSVP. Please email Merideth at or send her a message through Pinehurst Seattle Facebook to RSVP. You can bring your own pumpkins from home. Pumpkins are welcome to stay and become part of the cemetery, if you like.

Hope to see you there!



Pinehurst Picks

Two neighbors sent in photos of this clever wraith, I mean sunflower. Tis the season, enjoy!

ErikaSunflower GarthSunflower



Please feel free to send in photos of art – or anything unexpected and fun – you see on your walks around the neighborhood to

Free Movie @George on October 28th



Thornton Creek Alliance Meeting October 23



Pinehurst Picks

Looks like the place we get Pinehurst tee shirts and grocery bags screen printed has a new paint job! Half of the mural is this week’s Pinehurst pick.


Please feel free to send in photos of art – or anything unexpected and fun – you see on your walks around the neighborhood to

Reporting Suspicious Behavior – Calling 911 From a Cell Phone

Seattle_Police_BadgeThis is Part 4 of a 5 part series on Reporting Suspicious Behavior. It’s from a flyer handed out by the police at the North Precinct Advisory Council.

When you call 911 from a land line, the 911 call center knows from what address you are calling. If the person calling 911 is unable to speak (for instance if the person is having a medical emergency), the call taker knows the address and can send emergency responders.  Even so, the call taker will ask your exact location.

Knowing your exact location becomes even more important when you call 911 from a cell phone. When calling 911 from a cell phone, you will be routed to the jurisdiction in which you are located. For example, if you have a cell phone that has a Tacoma or even a Portland area code, but you are in Seattle and call 911, you will be routed to Seattle’s 911 center. However, depending on where you are in Seattle, you may be connected with Seattle Police Department, Washington State Patrol (if you are on a freeway), King County, or another jurisdiction that borders Seattle. The 911 operator will only see your cell phone number and your general location based on the cell tower closest to where you are.

Since the 911 center you contact will only know the general area from where you are calling, always tell the 911 call taker where you are so they can transfer you to the correct jurisdiction, if necessary. The 911 call taker needs your specific physical address or nearest intersection. Don’t assume they know; remember that cell phones do not give your exact location.

Part 5 will be about identifying yourself (or not) when calling 911.

Drop In Self Defense Class for Females Starts Nov. 5

Click on the flyer for information about this opportunity for girls and women to learn self defense right in the neighborhood!She Kicks Butt 2014

Trash Talk – Toilets

TrashCanDid you know that so-called “flushable” wipes and other trash are causing serious plumbing and sewer problems across the city?

Toilet paper is the only product, besides human waste, that breaks down when it’s flushed. Everything else can cause expensive clogs and backups, and wreaks havoc on the city’s sewer system.

Keep in mind:

  • Just because it flushes doesn’t make it safe to flush. Even if it makes it through your pipes, it is likely contributing to problems that could cause your sewage to back up.
  • Use the trash can, not the toilet, to dispose of feminine hygiene products, dental floss, condoms, and all types of wipes — even facial tissue.
  • Ignore product labels that say “flushable.”

Bottom line: If it’s not toilet paper, put it in the garbage. Learn more about the care and maintenance of your side sewer.

Trash Talk – Clothing

TrashCanDo you toss damaged clothes, shoes, and household linens into the trash because you think they can’t be donated? Now items that aren’t reusable now can be recycled into industrial wiping cloths, carpet padding, insulation and more.

In the past, only “gently used,” resalable items could be accepted by area thrift stores, drop boxes and collection sites. But textile markets have changed. Nearly every large collector in our area sorts materials into several categories – some for resale and some for recycling into new products.

So gather up your clothes, shoes, and household linens and take them to a nearby thrift shop, collection site or drop box, or arrange for a pick up. Help keep these items in the recycling loop and out of landfills.

Please note that clothing still cannot be recycled in our home recycle bins.