

Flexcar in Pinehurst?

Would you use a Flexcar if we had one in Pinehurst?

If so, please write to Gabriel Scheer at and ask him for a Flexcar in Pinehurst and tell him that you would use it.

Flexcar wants to hear from Pinehurst folks who would use a car and they need to hear from enough folks to know that it would make business sense for them to place a car in our neighborhood.

2 comments to Flexcar in Pinehurst?

  • Christina

    Thanks Renee! I shared with Gabriel what it’s like to have to go to Bus Stop Espresso by NE 65th or by Cowen Park to use a Flexcar when the Northgate ones aren’t available. I hope Flexcar expands its locations above NE 97th.

  • Renee

    Thank you, Christina!

    I have heard from Flexcar that they have been getting e-mails from Pinehurst and that they will continue to track Pinehurst requests and will consider us for a possible car/cars in early 2008.

    Every e-mail does make a difference.

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