If you have any questions on crime prevention, or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill (diane.horswill@seattle.gov or 206-684-7711) at the North Precinct.
Diane says that due to some fairly aggressive detective and prosecution most of the burglary stats this month are much lower than average. Yay! The one below is a reminder for us all to watch out for our neighbors when they are away, and report suspicious activity at houses we know are vacant.
7/09 900 blk NE 117th – a neighbor looked out her window and saw a female exit her car and walk into the yard at this address; the female suspect then left that yard and went to another house; the neighbor was aware that these people were out of town; she witnessed the female carrying several items out of the house put them in her car and drive away; at that point she called 911 but the suspect was gone; she was later arrested as part of the investigation.
*unofficial stats
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