

*Pinehurst Residential Burglary Report: October 2010

Like most neighborhoods in the North End, our numbers are low again this month.  The police have been doing a great job of apprehending repeat burglars. 

If you have any questions on crime prevention, or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill ( or 206-684-7711) at the North Precinct.

10/09  11200blk Roosevelt Wy NE  the victim came home to find a chest in her closet pried open and jewelry and cash missing,  there was no sign of forced entry to the house,  the victim suspects a family member may be involved

10/14  12500blk 17th NE  the victims are out of the country so a friend is checking on the house and monitoring some work being done,  the friend discovered a lawnmower and a subwoofer had been stolen, there was no sign of forced entry to the house

10/22  200blk NE 120th  the victims were gone from the house all day, when they returned they found the place ransacked and jewelry, a DVD and a backpack missing, the entry point appears to be a small bathroom window

10/29  11700blk  9th Ave NE  the victims were gone all day, when they returned they found their TV sitting by the door,  only a few small items were stolen so the resident may have interrupted the burglary, it appears entry was made through an unlocked window



*unofficial stats

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