Yard Sale!
Your junk is someone else’s treasure…as the saying goes. Clean out your closets and buy space for a “YARD SALE” at Northgate CC. You will be able to sell your goodies from 11am until 7pm. Northgate CC will supply a table and chair for each seller (ages 16 and older).
Friday, August 3rd 11am-7pm $20 per table
And of course we can all go for free to BUY stuff….
Oh I wish I saw this ahead of time….didn’t see til day of…:-(
Not sure if my last comment posted…but I missed this post until day of…total bummer!! I had just resorted to using a website since I don’t have a decent yard to do it from home. Oh well I guess, maybe next year…?? Is it always at the same time?
Sorry you missed it and sorry for the delay on your comments. Something about those links got them automatically flagged as spam and I didn’t notice in time…