

Car Prowl Prevention Tips

CarProwlFlyerFrom our SPD Crime Prevention Coordinators:

Car prowls are crimes of opportunity that are committed within seconds. They are expensive, inconvenient, and aggravating for victims. Thieves are targeting vehicles of all makes and models for valuables, including:

  • GPS devices
  • Cellular phones
  • Purses
  • Cash
  • Laptops
  • Cameras
  • Luggage
  • Garage remotes

Most stolen property is traded or sold on the street within minutes of the crime, lowering the chance of recovery. Thieves commonly break windows for entry, but many are also successful at defeating door and trunk locks.

Here are car prowl prevention tips:

  1. Remove all valuables from your vehicle every time you park.
  2. If valuables must be left behind, hide them out of sight or place them in the trunk BEFORE parking at your destination.
  3. Disable the internal trunk releases per your owner’s manual instructions.
  4. Audible alarms or other theft deterrent devices can be effective.
  5. Security garages are only secure if entering and exiting drivers watch the door fully close behind them every time. This is to deter someone from sneaking into the garage behind you.
  6. Never leave remote controls for security garages  inside parked vehicles. They provide further access to returning thieves.

Be observant! Report all crimes and suspicious activity to 911 immediately!!

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