

Kids’ Summer Camps


Pinehurst Pets – Property Damage

petsIf a neighbor’s pet is damaging your property, you can report it to Seattle Animal Control. Take these steps:

  1. Communicate with the pet owner about the damage
    Often, neighborly discussions can be very helpful. Let the pet owners know that you are experiencing property damage. Sometimes pet owners are not aware of the problem or the impacts on other residents. Try to work out a mutually agreeable and reasonable solution in a neighborly manner.
  2. Submit a complaint
    Call the Seattle Animal Shelter at 206-386-7387 or file a complaint online. Provide as much information as possible including where the animal resides.  An officer will investigate. Humane Animal Law Enforcement Officers are available 7 days a week (excluding holidays) to respond to calls and file complaints.  All complaints are prioritized depending on the nature of the call. The fine for letting a pet damage property is $109.
  3. Preventing future property damage.
    If you are experiencing property damage by outdoor cats, review the information here to help prevent future damage.

NE 125th Repaving Project

ne125_zone_map2You might have noticed the work on NE 125th already if you’ve been out and about. They’re making very good progress but it will be continuously changing as they continue work so it’s good to keep an eye on the project website.


From Art Brochet, the Capital Projects Coordinator for SDOT:

Only two nights were required to finish grinding Sand Point Way NE north of NE 110th Street, instead of the 3 or 4 that we planned for, and there will be no detours the next few days (and nights).

On Monday morning, June 17th however, the same southbound detour route just used will resume and be in effect continuously through approximately July 3rd.  This should allow the work in this zone (#3) to be finished in under a month, as contractors can be more productive if they don’t need open and close the construction zone and move the construction equipment into place each day.

The alternative – of alternatively stopping traffic in each direction in the daytime and having occasional detours – creates more uncertainty and often more delay for drivers.  Metro also prefers having a predictable schedule.

On NE 125th Street both curb ramp and road base repair work have begun in the north half of the roadway between Lake City Way NE and 35th Avenue NE.  This work will move west until it reaches 23rd Avenue NE and then shift to the south half of NE 125th, again moving from east to west.

Please exercise extreme caution throughout the entire construction area.  There may be workers present and/or heavy equipment blocking lines of sight as well as pedestrians, bicyclists and other drivers trying to make their way with lots of potential distractions.  Allow for travel extra time, be patient, and think how nice it will be when construction is finished.  But please, please pay attention!

The website has been updated and – as always – if you have any specific questions please contact Art Brochet, the Capital Projects Coordinator for SDOT.  However, if you have problems needing resolution in the field please call Alex DeLeon at (206) 316-2542.  Alex will be holding “office hours” at Kaffeeklatsch – 12513 Lake City Way on Wednesdays through the end of the month, between 4PM and 5PM, if you’d like to stop by for a little chat about the project.


Human Fecal Contamination in Thornton Creek

I’ve received this from multiple sources now and thought it was certainly worth sharing. A study has come out showing human fecal contamination in many areas of Thornton Creek.

There are many possible sources and a large part of the point of this study was to provide evidence of the problem and help them narrow it down so they can work on solutions. But it’s bad enough that they’re warning people to stay out of the water.





Victory Heights Blog:



Seattle Public Utilities Study:

North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes – June 2013


This month’s speaker was Mark Larson, chief Criminal Deputy, King County Prosecutor’s Office. He explained the work the Criminal Division does.  To see his comments, and other news, see the June minutes here.

Note that the North Precinct picnic will be Saturday, July 13, and Seattle Night Out block parties will be Tuesday, August 6th.

City Council is pondering a zoning ordinance for growing & processing marijuana in industrial areas of the city. It is also deliberating on what to do when Nickelsville homeless camp disbands; there are several ideas on the table. See minutes above for more information on both issues.

Our North Precinct chief, Captain Robin Clark, is leaving to take a broader position:  Acting Assistant Chief of Special Operations. She ably ran the North Precinct for almost four years. Her replacement will be announced in about a week.

Registration Open for 2013 Seattle Night Out

NightOut_2012_Logo1“Night Out Against Crime” is a national event that encourages neighbors to gather and spend time together in an effort to heighten crime prevention/awareness and increase neighborhood safety.  Porch lights are typically turned on as a symbolic gesture supporting crime prevention.  When you register your event in Seattle, most non-arterial streets can be blocked off (without a fee), so you and your neighbors can take over your street.

This year Night Out is Tuesday, August 6th. You can register your block party or event and get help planning and publicizing it at

Last year there were 1366 block parties in Seattle, and Pinehurst had a lot. Let’s do it again this year!

May 2013 Pinehurst Crime Map

Here is a limited picture of Pinehurst property crime for May 2013. You can see ALL the types of crime at Choose North neighborhood and dates May 1 – 31. I don’t know why the  Memorial Day weekend burglary/arson isn’t showing. Maybe the police report hasn’t been written yet due to ongoing investigation.


Pinehurst Pets – Bruno


Introducing Bruno – or maybe you’ve seen him on his daily walks these last few years. He’s a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier rescue dog from Whistler, B.C.  I got to know him when he stopped in front of my house  to roll on a certain section of my lawn EVERY time he went by. It wasn’t stinky, it was just Bruno’s habit. Well, if it feels good, do it, eh, Bruno?

If you would like to see your pet featured in the Pinehurst Pets column, please send a photo and a story about your pet to

Kids Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park


This month’s picture is by Evan. He drew it this week especially for the park.  Take a walk to the pocket park and look at the pretty rainbow in the kiosk. The park is at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE. A big thank you to Evan for sharing his artistic talents!

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.

Reminder: Pinehurst Meeting This Thursday

PinehurstLogoPinehurst Community Meeting
Thursday, May 30th at 6:30pm
@ Amante Pizza and Pasta
(12319 Roosevelt Way NE)


  • Pinehurstfest! It’s coming up soon! We’re looking for feedback, ideas, and volunteers!
  • Northgate Planning – There’s a lot going on these days! The Seattle Department of Planning and Development will be there to discuss it.

Note: You Grow Girl had to cancel and won’t be attending this time. But we’ll try to get them out in the future.