

Jane Addams Magic Show-Tomorrow May 31st

Sorry in advance for everybody that doesn’t check the website until the weekly email. I only just received the request to post it this morning. It IS tomorrow, May 31st.

Please join us for school’s spring fundraiser. Jane Addams K-8 will host a magic show this Thursday (May 31st) at
6:30pm in the school auditorium. Magician Jack Turk’s family-friendly show includes hilarious comedy, magic tricks, amazing juggling, crazy puppets, fun-loving jokes and more. This is an all-ages show, so feel free to bring the whole family (children 3 & under are free).

Tickets are $10 per adult, $5 per child (3 & up), and we are also offering group
discount prices ($25 for up to 6 people; $30 for groups of more than 6).

For more information about Jack Turk, please visit

For tickets:

Jane Addams K-8 is located at:
11051 34th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98125

We hope you can join us!

Marijuana grow operation, overnight shooting

Early Sunday morning (May 27th) police responded to gunfire at a house on 11th Ave NE between 123rd and 125th. The resident was using the house to grow marijuana and was shot by an intruder. More information is available from the SPD Blotter and Seattle PI blog.

Community Health & Safety Fair

Saturday, May 19th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

John Rogers Elementary School, 4030 NE 109th Street.

Presented by the John Rogers Elementary PTA – activities, information and giveaways!

Participants include Red Cross, Cascade Bicycle Club, Seattle Tilth, Hunger Intervention Program, Within Reach, Seattle Fire Department, PrepareSmart, John Rogers Growing Green Environmental Science Club, and Meadowbrook Community Center SNAP.

Free to all – invite your family, friends and neighbors!
Learn how to keep yourself and family safe in case of an emergency.

Receive tips and ideas about how to keep your family healthy.

Free give-aways, prizes and drawings!

Two Shows With Local Connections

You may have noticed that I’ve got a thing for musicals. And there are two going on now/soon, including at least one with a Pinehurst resident and the other at one of our local high schools.

Hairspray the Musical: May 10. 11, 12 and May 17, 18, 19 @ Nathan Hale Performing Arts Center.

1960’s Baltimore, where the 50’s are out – and change is in the air

Can a larger-than-life adolescent manage to vanquish the local TV dance program’s reigning princess, integrate the television show, and find true love (singing and dancing all the while, of course!) without mussing her hair?

Adult $15 / Student & Senior $8 – Tickets Available Online! or at the door (cash or check only at the door)

RENT: Thursday, May 31 – Sunday, June 3 @ Seattle Musical Theatre in Magnuson Park.

Young actors from across Seattle are currently in rehearsal for Broadway Bound Children’s Theatre’s production of RENT: School Edition. Performances will run Thursday, May 31 through Sunday, June 3 at Seattle Musical Theatre in Magnuson Park. RENT: School Edition is a lightly modified version of the Tony Award winning musical.

Among the actors participating is a student from the Pinehurst area, Stella Ramos.

Tickets to RENT: School Edition are $17.50 and are available online at or by phone at 1.800.838.3006. For more information about RENT: School Edition and Broadway Bound, visit


Message from Crime Prevention Coordinator

1.  The North Precinct Burglary/Theft Unit continues to follow up on recent burglary arrests done by North Precinct patrol officers, and  due in some part to your watchfulness and good 9-1-1 calls.  The 19 year old serial occupied burglar and auto thief who was hitting the north end neighborhoods hard approx. 8 weeks ago has been charged with nearly 10 years.  He is in jail and won’t be released for a long time.

2.       A 39-year old, white female was arrested last week for multiple burglaries in the north end, some in which the residents were home at the time of the crime.  She confessed to detectives that she is an addict, and she preferred burglaries to prostitution. She spent the day with detectives showing them houses she had hit.  She told the detectives that she was surprised how many people leave their house keys out in  mailboxes; or on the front porch (she found keys in a pair of shoes on front porch).  Please re-think the hide-away key.  You may think it is unusual to put in under a paving stone, or huge flower pot, etc. but burglars who do this for a living, know our hiding spots.  She also told the detectives that she often looked in the windows and could see the desirable loot in plain sight (purses, cash, electronics).

3.       I talked with a gentleman today who lives in the Maple Leaf neighborhood.  Evidently, yesterday during the glorious weather we had, he was gardening in the front yard.  A thief, unseen by neither the homeowner nor nearby neighbors, entered this home through the unlocked back door and took cash and prescription meds. from a back bedroom.   I know it may be inconvenient to keep your doors locked when you are home and gardening, but these crimes are quick and contribute to our burglary rate increases during summer months.

4.       The Phinney Ridge blog was filled with reports of suspicious magazine solicitors so I attach information on Residential Sales from the City’s Dept. of Finance and Admin. for your perusal.

5.       National Night Out is coming on August 7th but some block watchers are inquiring about registration already.  J  I will send out an email when the registration information is on the website.

Link Station IN Our Neighborhood?

Seattle Transit Blog has an update that NE 130th has been Added to the North Corridor DEIS. This means that in Segment A (the name for the part from from Northgate to NE 185th) they have included multiple alternatives that include NE 130th as a station location in their Draft Environment Impact Study. That doesn’t tell us anything yet except that they’re keeping their options open but it’s an interesting idea, especially if those 4 minute headways could happen. Perhaps with a streetcar?

Inclusion of NE 130th is promising news. The Seattle City Council, led by Richard Conlin, unanimously passed Resolution 31168 supporting inclusion of the  NE 130th St station in the DEIS. The NE 130th St station also sailed through the ST Capital Committee, where it was also unanimously recommended for inclusion in the DEIS. In my opinion NE 130th St has unexpectedly become a very promising aspect of the North Corridor.

While the NE 130th St station has limited TOD potential, not unlike the other I-5 station locations, it has huge potential when it comes to connecting the hub urban villages of Bitter Lake and Lake City by transit. Given a concise restructure of Metro’s transit service that allows for very frequent (4-8 minute headways all day) East-West service on NE125th/NE130 between the two hub urban villages and Link, this station could go a very long way in redeeming the North Corridor with relation to TOD.

Full article:

Bike Works in Lake City

Bike Works is offering a two-part program for adults and accompanied youth at the Lake City Community Center on Sunday, June 3rd. Sign up for the first class, drop-in for the second, or take advantage of both!

There is a flier available here.

Squeaky Brakes Class
Lake City Community Center, 10:00am – 12:00pm
The squeaky brakes is hands-on. Students bring
their bikes, wrench-along with the instructor’s
demonstration of fixing a flat and cleaning
their bike, take a close look at their entire bike
and get a sense of how the bike works, possibly
what it needs.

This class requires pre-registration;
please contact
Cost: FREE

BYOBike Drop – in
Lake City Community Center, 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Want to try tuning up your own ride with the
supportive advice and guidance of Bike Works instructors?
Anybody with a bike is welcome to drop-in and give it a try.

No registration required.
Cost: FREE

Take Back Your Meds

Safely dispose of unwanted and expired medicines. For a limited time, Group Health, Bartell Drugs and Seattle Police Department are providing secure disposal. Find a temporary location at

The risks of unwanted medicines:

  • Washington State has one of the highest teen prescription drug abuse rates in the nation
  • Medicines are a leading cause of accidental poisoning – especially of children and seniors
  • Flushed or trashed medicines can end up polluting our waters
  • They are a prime target for burglars

A long-term goal is to have a statewide program for the safe disposal of unwanted medicines paid for by drug producers.

Have a Living Room Conversation With a Police Officer

Livingroom Conversations

If you and your neighbors have neighborhood issues, or safety issues, you can have a living room conversation with a police officer. This is an informal get-together to talk with police about your concerns. All you need to do is set a date, contact Sgt Dianne Newsom, head of North Precinct’s Community Police Team and ask her to provide an officer. Then invite friends and neighbors and make some cookies and lemonade (well, snacks aren’t required). You can reach Dianne at or 206-684-0794. Read more about living room conversations here.

North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes for May 2012


The guest speaker at May’s NPAC was Mike Sanford, SPD Assistant Chief, Operations Bureau.

You can see what he says about the new SPD 20/20 vision for the future in the minutes for the meeting, as well as updates from SPD unit officers here.

SPD 20/20 is the set of initiatives crafted by the Mayor and SPD to address the problems that brought Department of Justice to Seattle to investigate possible excessive use of force.