

St. Catherine School Hosts Film Screening of Race to Nowhere

St. Catherine School’s Parent Club will host a film screening of “Race to Nowhere“, an up-close look at America’s school system and the pressures facing today’s students on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the school located at 8524 Eighth Ave. NE in Seattle.

Race To Nowhere features the heartbreaking stories of young people across the country who have been pushed to the brink, educators who are burned out and worried that students aren’t developing the skills they need, and parents who are trying to do what’s best for their kids, Race to Nowhere points to the silent epidemic in our schools: cheating has become commonplace, students have become disengaged, stress-related illness, depression and burnout are rampant, and young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired.

After the screening, which will take place in the school’s Victoria Hall, a discussion will be facilitated by Jenell Kheriaty, Student Counselor at Seattle Preparatory School. Tickets for the film will be $10 in advance, sold online at, and $15 at the door.

Northgate Light Rail Station Open House, 11/9

This November, Sound Transit will host open houses for each of the future North Link light rail stations. Join us to learn new information about the stations and to share your thoughts and ideas.

All open houses run from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., with a presentation starting at 6:30 p.m.

Northgate Station Open House:Wednesday, Nov. 9
Olympic View Elementary School Cafeteria
504 NE 95th Street, Seattle

The Sound Transit Community Outreach contact sent some more details of what will be discussed at this meeting which includes:

  • 30 percent design of the Northgate Station and the above-ground light rail guideway
  • Update on tunnel portal plans
  • Updated construction schedule

Continue reading Northgate Light Rail Station Open House, 11/9

NE 115th St Sidewalk Construction Update

IMG_20111026_092607Construction has begun for the new sidewalk on NE 115th St between 5th and 7th Ave NE! In the past month, crews have been preparing the right of way and have added a new storm drain at the corner of 5th and 115th.

Today, excavation and regrading began, and the new curb and sidewalk will be built later this week.

After construction, two street trees will be planted in the planting strip at the 7th Ave NE end of the sidewalk. The 5th Ave NE end of the sidewalk will not have a planting strip, as there are already established trees (madrones).

Woman Raped on Northgate Way

Last Saturday, 10/22/2011 at 1:15AM, there was an assault and attempted rape of a woman on Northgate Way near Roosevelt Way NE. The suspect was located and arrested.

From the SPD Blotter:

On October 22nd, at approximately 1:15 am, North Precinct officers responded to a 911 call of a rape in the 1000 Block of NE Northgate Way. The victim stated that she had been assaulted by an unknown man on the street and believed that he was still in the area. Officers arrived within minutes and contacted the victim. With the assistance of a K9 track, the suspect was located nearby hiding in the bushes. He was taken into custody. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment. Detectives from the Sexual Assault Unit responded and took over the investigation. The 31 year old suspect was later booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Rape. SAU detectives will be responsible for the continuing investigation.

The Seattle PI has a follow-up article on the suspect. It sounds like this was a random attack.

Update: I updated the post to reflect that this was a rape, not an attempted rape.

Update: More articles: Rape suspect’s supervision cut short by budget cuts (Seattle P-I),
Police: Woman escapes sexual assault in Northgate after offering condom to attacker (KIRO),
Charges filed in Northgate sexual assault (Seattle Times)

Defending Victory Creek Park

Here’s a Youtube video made by a Pinehurst neighbor and his son, documenting their efforts to clean up Victory Creek Park. Thanks, Chad!

(Sad blogger moment: I tried to embed the video in this post, but I couldn’t figure out how.)

Disaster Supply Kit Workshop at the Lake City Branch October 27

urban-self-relianceHere’s another way to prepare for winter….

Disaster Supply Kit Workshop at the Seattle Public Library Lake City Branch Thursday, October 27, 2011, 6:30 – 7:45pm

Do you have the right emergency essentials at hand? Learn how put together your own disaster supply kit during this hands-on workshop.

Having the right emergency essentials after any disaster helps you stay safe and self-sufficient. During this hands-on, show-and-tell workshop, you’ll learn answers to these questions and more:

  • What’s the best place to store supplies?
  • Is it better to buy a kit or make one?
  • How much is really enough?
  • Are there ways to economize during these tight times?

Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not required. This program is part of the 2011 Urban Self-Reliance Series: check out over 50 free classes this fall at a Seattle Public Library location near you! Contact the Lake City Branch at 206-684-7518.

Take Winter by Storm: Landside Awareness Meeting on 10/29

If you own property on a slope, you may want to consider attending this meeting…

The City of Seattle will be offering two free landslide awareness meetings on Oct. 29 and Nov. 12 (same format). The public will have the opportunity to consult with public and private landslide experts and learn how to protect themselves from landslides with simple preventive measures, such as the following:

  • Checking downspouts; making sure they are functioning/routed to a safe location
  • Inspecting sloping areas for indications of slope movement and erosion
  • Keeping fill and yard waste off slopes
  • Shutting off the irrigation system and checking it out seasonally
  • Leaving tree stumps in the ground on slopes

The landslide awareness meetings will include a presentation that discusses the causes of landslides, proper drainage for sloping sites, and vegetation maintenance on slopes. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session; and time for one-on-one discussions with professionals in the field, including the City of Seattle, The American Society for Civil Engineers, The Association of Engineering Geologists, The International Society of Arboriculture, and Associated Building Contractors.

  • Oct. 29 – 10:00 am to noon, Northgate Community Center Multipurpose Room, 10510 5th Ave NE
  • Nov 12 – 10:00 am to noon, South Seattle Community College
    Judge Warren & Nobie Chan Education Center, 6000 16th Ave SW (across from the north parking lot)

The landslide record that was documented in the Seattle Landslide Study indicates that 86 percent of landslides that occurred in the city have some human influence such as excavating and filling on steep slopes, broken pipes and uncontrolled storm water.

If a landslide damages your property and you have an immediate concern for your safety, leave the premises and call 9-1-1. Seattle property owners with structures that may be affected by or endangered by a landslide should contact a geotechnical professional for structural evaluation.

To view the current conditions of the USGS rainfall threshold for landslides, please visit:

For more information about Seattle landslides and the City of Seattle free landslide awareness meetings, please visit:

Take Winter By Storm is a regional campaign aimed at helping citizens and businesses get prepared before bad weather strikes. Learn more at

Senator Scott White Found Dead Friday

Scott White, our district’s state senator, was found dead in his hotel room Friday:

Sorry for the brief post but this is from my phone. I just wanted to get the news out quickly.

Man Charged in Pinehurst Indecent Exposure Incident

Thanks in (large) part to an observant Pinehurst resident who was willing to get involved, the police have arrested and charged a man in the recent series of indecent exposure incidents, including one involving two 13 year old girls at Pinehurst Playfield. See today’s Seattle Times article.

Look in the comments section of our original post about the incident for a first-hand description of what our neighbor did.

This is proof-positive that paying attention, concern for neighbors, and getting involved in our neighborhood pay off.  Way to go, Eric – thanks!  And thanks also to the girls who described the man for the sketcher.

Road Safety Summit

You are invited to a Road Safety Summit
Meeting in our area: November 15th, 6pm

City of Seattle invites you to participate in a Road Safety Summit, convened by Mayor Mike McGinn and members of the Seattle City Council.

The Summit will center around three basic questions:

  1. What do you think are the highest priority safety problems to solve on Seattle roads?
  2. What do you think are the most important things to do to make Seattle roads safer?
  3. We often talk about what government can do to promote safety. What are the ways that non-governmental groups and individuals can promote safety?

Working together, it will develop a shared citywide commitment to safety and an action plan that will lead to safer streets for all.

This Road Safety Summit consists of three gatherings that are open to the public:

Public Forum #1
Monday, October 24th, 6pm in the Bertha K. Landes room at City Hall RSVP

Public Forum #2
Tuesday, November 15th, 6pm at the Northgate Community Center

Public Forum #3
Monday, November 21st, 6pm at the Southwest Community Center RSVP

The forums will consist of a short presentation of background data and then discussions about these three questions in smaller groups. You will submit your comments at the end of the discussion period. These public forums are identical in format; to give input and participate you only need to attend one.

Final Road Safety Summit Meeting: Next Steps
Monday, December 12th, 6pm in the Bertha K. Landes room at City Hall RSVP

This meeting is open to the public. The Summit Workgroup will present their proposed next steps for improving traffic safety on Seattle’s streets.

Please visit this page to RSVP to the event(s) you can attend. Or visit the Road Safety Summit website for more details.

You will be asked to:

  • Participate in the process with good faith effort, following the process outlined by conveners and facilitators to produce a successful effort with positive public outcomes
  • Listen to what other participants are saying and appreciate that there are multiple viewpoints to these complicated topics

If you have questions, please email