

Interships at North Seattle Community College

This is information for businesses who may wish to offer interships to North Seattle Community College students. For more information, contact Anne Zacovic; her contact information is at the bottom of the post.
Continue reading Interships at North Seattle Community College

Free Acupuncture Day at North Seattle Community Acupuncture, January 8th

The North Sea continues its Free Acupuncture Days in 2011.

Happy New Year from North Seattle Community Acupuncture! In 2011, we are continuing our once-a-month Free for Me and My Friend days. Bring someone new to the clinic on one of these days and you both receive a free treatment. Bringing only yourself? That works too! Our next free day is Saturday, January 8th, 9am to 1pm.

We are located at 11329 Pinehurst Way NE, just two blocks north of Roosevelt and Northgate Way. Our usual fee is $15-$40, pay what’s comfortable. It’s all about getting healthy without making your wallet sick. You can make your own appointment on our website at or call us at 206-524-6428. See you soon!

Flyer: North Sea Free Day

Treehouse Coffee breakfast special this weekend (January 1-2)

From Michele: “Happy New Year!! Stop by the Treehouse for Chocolate Chip Waffles with fresh whipped cream… this may be your final indulgence before the start of your New Year’s resolution. Please keep in mind we will be opening at 9am on New Year’s Day! Thanks everyone, hope your holidays were packed full of family, food and relaxation.”

Read more about Treehouse Coffee here and here.

Crime Prevention Reminders

This week we heard of a theft of personal property from the driveway of one of our neighbors.  That, and that we’re on the eve of a new year, a time for fresh beginnings, make it a good time to review some tips for crime prevention:

  • Keep your car doors locked, and don’t leave things on the car seats to entice thieves.
  • Keep your home doors and windows locked; many burglaries are not forced entry, meaning the thieves found entry through unlocked doors and windows.
  • Lock your belongings in the garage or house.
  • Write down serial numbers of your electronics  to help police find them if they’re stolen.
  • Put good deadbolts on your doors.
  • Clear overgrown foliage from around your house so your neighbors can see what’s going on, and so burglars don’t have cover for what they’re doing.
  • Get contact information from your neighbors and call them if you see something suspicious.
  • Communicate with your neighbors when you’re leaving town so they can watch your house for you.
  • When you’re gone, use timers to turn your lights off and on to make the house look occupied.
  • Call 911 if you see something suspicious.  The police urge us to call rather than merely wonder if something is out of order.
  • If you are victims of a burglary, report it to the police.  The more the police know about what is going on in our neighborhood, the better they can protect it.
  • We are always welcome to contact our SPD Crime Prevention Coordinator, Diane Horswill, at or 206-684-7711.

Have a safe and happy new year!

Northgate Council Land Use Rezone

There’s a proposed rezone in the Northgate area which is accepting comments now through 1/12/2011.  It will change a large block along Northgate Way from MR-60 to NC3-85.  This means it’s going from residential multifamily midrise with a maximum height of 60 ft to a neighborhood commercial with a maximum height of 85 feet.

It’s a great site for higher density since it’s in the middle of the Northgate area, next to the freeway, and not around any other residential.  It’s also about  third of a mile from where the Link Light Rail station will be.  Personally, I wouldn’t mind the max height going higher and the original Northgate Rezone proposal already called for 160 ft here.

It was pointed out to me that this calls for a general rezone, not a contract rezone so that could make it harder to get specific community/neighborhood benefits out of the developers.  A contract rezone would make the rezone process dependent on a larger process with community involvement.  In this case the rezone will already be done so that wouldn’t be necessary.  Also, it doesn’t sound like there are any specific projects in mind so nothing would be happening any time soon.

On a random note, does anybody know what the “scenic view within 500 ft” mentioned below is?  I’m somewhat at a loss as to where that could be, but as long as it’s not in the middle of the freeway I’d like to stop by and take some pictures.

Notice of Application:

Continue reading Northgate Council Land Use Rezone

A sidewalk is coming to NE 115th St!

The City of Seattle has announced the list of 20 projects that have been awarded funds form the Neighborhood Projects Fund. We were awarded $81,000 for an asphalt walkway between 5th and 7th. Hopefully we can have more built soon through future rounds of funding!

A project manager from SDOT will be calling us in early 2011, and we’ll set up a meeting with residents of those two blocks of 115th to discuss the work to be done. Details will also be posted here as we can more information.

Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard on this over so many years!

Free Two Dog Yoga Events

Sorry for the short notice on this.  I realize the weekly email already went out but I received this afterwards.  And I apologize that some people might not see this until it’s too late but I figured it was better to put it up now than not at all.

December 20-24, 2010

In gratitude to our regular Two Doggers, and with the intention of growing the pack, Two Dog offers a week of free classes twice a year. Come to as many classes as you want; bring your friends, neighbors and relatives along to share the doggie bounty. Free Week is a great way to get to know another teacher or check out a different practice. Classes are open to all levels unless otherwise noted. Here’s a schedule you can print, post or forward on.

SPECIAL OFFER: students new to Two Dog who register for a 2011 yoga or qigong series during FREE WEEK receive a 20% discount

yoga with Nancy 6:00am
yoga with Annie 5:30pm
prenatal yoga with Leslie 6:00pm (contact Leslie re location and to preregister)
Solstice Celebration & Concert 7:00pm with Gary Stroutsos

yoga with Annie 6:00am with special solstice sunrise yoga + b’fast potluck
yoga with Wendy 10:00am
qigong with Martha 12:00pm
yoga with Irene 6:00pm

yoga with Cleo 5:30pm
qigong with Martha 7:15pm

yoga with Mudra 6:00am
yoga with Annie 6:00pm

yoga with Annie 10:00am

Treehouse Coffee breakfast special this weekend (December 18-19)

From Michele: “Thank you to all making our holiday donation drive a success! There will be smiling faces in your name this season. Head out to the Treehouse this weekend for a slice of cherry swirl shortcake and a hot Caramel Apple Cider. Have a blessed holiday and I’ll see all of you procrastinators at the mall!”

Read more about Treehouse Coffee here and here.

Seattle Musical Theatre Presents Don Giovanni: A New Musical

Don Giovanni poster finalSeattle Musical Theatre announces inaugural SecondSeason with the production of Don Giovanni: A New Musical by young and brilliant Seattle [and even more local, Maple Leaf as I understand it] native Jesse Smith.

Seattle Musical Theatre, for the first time in their 33 year history, premiers an original work, giving a unique opportunity to a promising Seattle artist: Jesse Smith in collaboration with Seattle Musical Theatre and Fruition Productions presents the first professional production of this completely re-envisioned classic tale of love, murder, and revenge. Over a full three-week run featuring 9 performances this exceptional production with an entirely local, talented troupe is sure to touch the souls of this city’s highly discerning modern-day audience.

Don Giovanni: A New Musical is based on the 1787 opera of the same name by W. A. Mozart. With a brand new score that mixes modern musical theatre style music with theatrical and operatic influences, Jesse Smith transports this well-known story to the era of the 1920s in Spain. Its rich characters and the power of the musical are sure to captivate Seattle’s audience with this ever compelling tale of murder, passion and human relationships. The story is woven around the path of seduction and quandary of an inveterate rake who stays true to himself even in the face of death and damnation.

January 7 – 23, 2011
Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30pm
Sundays at 2:00pm

For tickets please call the box office at 206-363-2809
or visit
Tickets are $25-$30.
Students & seniors $20 – $25.
The upstairs lobby bar will be open at all performances!

Seattle Musical Theatre is located in Magnuson Park in Seattle:
7400 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, 98115.
Plenty of free parking is available.

Continue reading Seattle Musical Theatre Presents Don Giovanni: A New Musical

Northgate Art Installation

There’s a art installation proposed in Northgate which they’re taking comments on.  The comments are actually for the Environment Impact for the Environmental Review but it still seemed like good info to have.  Oh, and they’ve said that it has “no significant adverse environmental impacts, temporary or permanent, as a result of the project” which is always good.

Publication: Dec. 16
Comment Period Ends: Dec. 30
Appeal Period Ends: Jan. 6

This project is to install a piece of art at the intersection of 5th Ave NE and NE 112th St. This project is part of the larger Northgate Area Urban Redevelopment Plan and the streetscape improvements for the northern “gateway” entrance to the 5th Ave NE streetscape.

The art is proposed to be installed on a small concrete footing. The artwork will consist of a tall pole (33 feet high); at 30 feet, there is an arm that is counter-balanced to protrude over the median 17 feet in one direction and 4 feet in the other. The sculpture is made out of metal and will have small LED light attachments.

Comments should be directed to:

Ron Scharf
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3900 – PO Box 34996
Seattle, WA 98124-4996