

Preschool Informational Meeting March 27


Transportation Safety – part 2


  • Lock your car door while you are driving as well as when you leave your car.
  • Travel well-lit and busy streets. Plan your route.
  • Instead of putting a purse or bag in the seat beside you, put it on the floor where it is more difficult for someone to grab.
  • Car prowls occur frequently and in all neighborhoods. Learn to leave your car, including the trunk, empty of personal belongings.
  • When out shopping, lock packages and other valuables in the trunk. Do not leave them on the back seat or on the floor of the car where potential thieves can see them.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • Park in busy, well-lit, open areas, even if it means paying for a spot in a lot or walking further.
  • When you return to your car, have your keys in hand and check around the vehicle as you approach, and check the front and back seat before you get in. If you do see someone, back off and go for help. Do not confront or try to “race” to your car.
  • Keep your car in good mechanical condition to minimize the possibility of a breakdown. This includes keeping the gas tank at least half full, current roadmaps, emergency equipment and extra clothes or blankets if traveling in cold winter areas.
  • If you do break down, stay inside your locked car. Use a cell phone to summon help. If another motorist or passerby stops to see if you need help, ask them to call police or your auto club. Crack open your window slightly to speak to them, but do not get out of the car until police or a tow truck arrive.

Jackson Park Trail Work Parties

A good reminder on the Jackson Park Trail work parties was just sent along. The next one is this Saturday but it also includes the upcoming work parties as they are on the third Saturday of every month.

Hello Everyone!

It’s that time of the month again! Friends of Jackson Park Trail will be holding this month’s work party on March 15, from 10am-2pm. We will be mulching the area on the south side of the trail where we removed blackberries last month; if there is time, we will be cutting back blackberries and other invasive vegetation encroaching on the trail, and removing litter. Please bring rakes, hand pruners and stout (blackberry proof!) gloves if you have them, also a source of hydration. Wearing stout boots and jeans or work pants, also waterproofs, is also a good idea. We will be meeting for volunteer sign-in at the southwest corner of the trail on the 5th avenue side. We hope to see you there.

P.S. Monthly work parties are held on the 3rd Saturday morning every month. The dates for this year are: March 15, April 19, May 17, Jun 21, July 19, August 16, September 20, October 18, November 15, December 20.

We are also pleased to announce that we are collaborating with GreenSeattle Partnership and EarthCorp. They will be holding large invasive-removal and planting events on March 14 and April 12. Please see for more information on these parties. We are also looking for volunteers with expertise in: invasive vegetation removal, native plant restoration, grant writing, fundraising, webpage development and maintenance, and volunteer coordination (work party leadership). Please contact if you are interested in lending your skills. You can also visit our website,, or our Facebook page. P.P.S. One community member has made a great suggestion: If for some reason you can’t attend work parties, but still want to help, consider bringing hand pruners on your walk, and pausing for five minute to clip back nasty encroaching plants wherever you find them! Or bring a bag in which to collect litter for drop-off at the nearest dumpster. Every little helps!

Transportation Safety



 Keep bus schedules of frequently traveled routes and plan ahead to minimize waiting time.

 Choose the “safest” bus stop you can. Usually the best choice is a stop on a main street that is well lit with lots of traffic and people around.

 Be very aware when waiting for and/or exiting a bus. If attacks occur, they usually happen as a person is waiting at a bus shelter or soon after he/she exits a bus.

 If there is a shelter at your bus stop, use it but do not huddle in the back or corner. This makes it clear to criminals that you do not have an easy exit.

 Sit near the front of the bus. If you are close to the driver you are less likely to be harassed.

 If someone does bother or frighten you with their behavior, move to another seat as soon as you can. If it continues, let the driver and other passengers know.

 If you use the bus regularly, consider a transit pass or pre-purchased bus tickets to eliminate fumbling for cash.

Pinehurst Meetup Group

meetupThe new Pinehurst Meetup group is growing, and some fun events have been scheduled in our neighborhood this month.

If you like to cook, there is a Tiramisu Challenge with an award for the best dessert. And there will be a coffee hour at Bark Espresso at the end of the month.

So if you aren’t yet a member of the Pinehurst meetup group, don’t forget to join so you know where to find the fun in the neighborhood!  The website is here:

North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes – March 2014

Seattle_Police_BadgeThis month’s guest speaker was Assistant Chief Joe Kessler, head of the Patrol Operations Bureau, which oversees all five police precincts. He was very complimentary of the officers and commanders of our North Precinct.

Captain Emerick reported that all crime types in the precinct are down except for auto theft. He is putting an emphasis on this crime and has asked for help from other police units. Interestingly, on his Captain’s Log – – Pinehurst has a couple spots on his list of  areas experiencing the greatest number of auto thefts:

  • All surface streets surrounding the University of Washington and Frat Row
  • The Northgate Mall and surrounding businesses and park and ride lots
  • The 12300 block of Roosevelt Way
  • The 11500 block of Lake City Way
  • Greenwood Ave from 90th to N.E. 115th St.
  • The 4200 block of Aurora Ave and the 2 blocks to the east and west

The Captain asks that we keep our eye out and report any suspicious activity to 911.

You can read the meeting minutes here.

Northgate 90% Design Public Open House

NorthgateLinkCome learn about the Northgate Station 90 percent design and hear updates on station artwork and Maple Leaf portal construction activities.

 Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Time: 6-8 p.m. (presentation begins at 6:30 p.m.)
Location: Olympic View School Cafeteria
Address: 504 NE 95th Street, Seattle

For more information contact Rhonda Dixon at 206-398-5300, or visit To request accommodations for persons with disabilities, call 1-800-201-4900 / TTY Relay: 711. To request translation services, call 1-800-823-9230 during normal business hours.  

CleanScapes $50,000 Award – Do You Have a Project Proposal?

CleanScapesIn December we mentioned that Pinehurst is one of the neighborhoods that won the 2013 CleanScapes $50,000 waste reduction award.  Last Thursday CleanScapes representatives met with us at our game night at the Shelter House to explain the process.

Through April 15, project proposals may be submitted by any Seattle resident. The proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of representatives of the neighborhoods. They may choose many small projects, or one big one.

Projects must be capital improvements (i.e., a physical object), located in the winning collection area, easily accessible for active use by the public, and have a total cost of no more than $50,000.

Some possible projects Pinehurst Community Council talked about with CleanScapes were: buy some natural climbing features for Hubbard Homestead Park, and build more Little Free Libraries.

To make a proposal, fill out the project proposal form and send it in by April 15. For help with the estimating, you are welcome to contact CleanScapes. Just do it before the deadline!

Here are some ideas Victory Heights folks are thinking about, and here are some from Maple Leaf.

February 2014 Pinehurst Crime Report

Here is a limited picture of Pinehurst property crime for the month. You can see ALL the types of crime at Choose the North neighborhood and choose a date range.

The top gray dot represents two burglaries, the bottom gray dot is  a burglary and a car theft, and the gray dot with ’15’ in it is mostly car thefts and car prowls at the mall.



Kids’ Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park

Stickers-NataliaNatalia is this month’s artist. She made this multi-media piece at last year’s Pinehurstfest. Notice her clever use of stickers that Seattle Police Department was giving out that day. Thank you, Natalia, for brightening our park!  The park is at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE.  Buds are starting to pop out….

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.