

Meadowbrook Luminaria Walk December 7


Gingerbread House Decorating December 6th

Northgate CC - Gingerbread House building flyer 

Bike Business – Cycle Tracks

BikeIconSeattle is building a network that puts all residents within ¼ mile of a bike facility. The goal is to make riding a bike a comfortable part of daily life for everyone. Cycle tracks, or protected bike lanes, are one piece of the network. Cycle tracks help eliminate perceived risk and fear of collisions; reduce the risk of crashes into opening car doors; and add a level of predictability that makes streets safer for everyone.

Cycle tracks are physically separated (by grade or barrier) from motor traffic and are distinct from the sidewalk. They have different forms, but all share common elements—they provide space that is primarily used for bicycles and are separated from motor vehicle travel lanes, parking lanes, and sidewalks.


Currently, Seattle is constructing two-way cycle tracks on one side of the street. This may vary as new facilities are added. The photo above is the two-way cycle track on NE 65th St near Sand Point Way. It serves as a safe way to get from Burke-Gilman Trail to Magnuson Park.

Here are directions on how to use a cycle track:


  • Watch for turning vehicles when approaching intersections, driveways and alleys.
  • Be alert for passing bicyclists within the bike lane and for pedestrians crossing the bike lane to access parked motor vehicles.
  • Be aware that the bike lane may weave as it approaches intersections to make bicyclists more visible to motorists.
  • Stay to the right and allow faster users to pass safely on the left.
  • Yield to pedestrians and wheelchair users who may be crossing the road and protected bike lane and give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any pedestrian.


  • Watch and listen for protected bike lane users traveling from either direction just as you would when crossing a street.
  • Cross protected bike lane at crosswalks.
  • Be alert for nearby cyclists when crossing a protected bike lane to access a parked vehicle.


  • Wheelchair-bound travelers are allowed to use bicycle lanes and public roads that have speed limits below 35 mph. Individuals determine what is most comfortable and must follow the same rules as other protected bike lane users.


  • Park in the marked lane between the travel lane and the bike lane in instances where on-street parking is available.
  • Take extra caution and look both ways before turning across the bike lane at intersections, driveways and alleys, especially when the barrier-protected bike lane is protected by on-street parking.
  • Watch for people on bikes traveling in both directions in two-way protected bike lanes.
  • Remember through-bicyclists have the right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections, driveways and alleys.
  • Don’t drive in a protected bike lane. You can turn across a protected bike lane, but must yield to bicycles.

Motorized scooters may not use cycle tracks.

Kids Art at Pinehurst Pocket Park

Teresa-SillyGuyRabbit rabbit – happy December 1st! This month’s art is up in the pocket park now. Teresa drew the silly guy at this summer’s Pinehurstfest. Take a wintery walk past the park and check it out! The park is at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE. Thank you, Teresa, for breathing some fun into the darkening season!

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.

Holiday Party at Lake City Professional Center Dec. 12


Get this event on your calendar now! It’s a wonderful bash sponsored by seven offices at the LC Professional Center.

Delicious appetizers and desserts by local restaurants will be featured. Each participating office will offer a different beverage, (try one or try them all). Wandering carolers will add to the flair of the evening.

Food, drink and live entertainment!

This is event is sponsored by:

Foot and Ankle Center of Lake City
Compounding Solutions Pharmacy
Northlake Physical Therapy
Northwest Endocrinology
Alpha Living Supported Services
The Tahoma Clinic
Chiropractic Family Health Center of Seattle

Buffet Sponsors

Elliott Bay Brewing Company
Manila, Manila
Sam’s Club

Klapa Doo Wapella is a local a cappella singing group specializing in both traditional Coation Klapa singing AND American Doo-Wop.

Lake City Tree Lighting December 4

TreeLighting In case you can’t read the small print, the tree lighting party is at Lake City Mini Park, which is at 125th and Lake City Way. There will be caroling, cider, coffee and cookies. AND, get your free photo taken with Santa! The tree lighting takes place around 7:45 pm.

Another Little Free Library Nearby in Victory Heights

VHLFL23rdAnd104thThere is another Little Free Library nearby! This weekend Victory Heights residents Keith and Bob installed on the corner of 23rd Ave NE and NE 104th St a little gem Bob built.

Now we have incentive to take longer walks to Victory Heights – for health and fitness, right? Please feel free to leave and take books from all our nearby libraries. I like the idea of books moving between neighbors and libraries so there’s lots of variety.

Bike Business – Bike Dots

BikeDotThis is a bike dot. Bike dots are pavement markings for signed bicycle routes. Unlike sharrows, bicycle dots are not intended to provide guidance on bicycle positioning in the street. Instead, they are a tool to provide way-finding; they show where to turn on the bicycle route. Dots are used to reduce sign clutter, particularly on neighborhood streets.

The accompanying sign tells you where the route is going and how far it is to the destination. Signs are placed at intersections where two bicycle routes intersect or where you should turn to get to a destination that is just off the route.

There are bike dots in Maple Leaf, Northgate and View Ridge. Anyone know where they are?

Here are some on-line resources for finding bike routes, not just signed routes:

– Seattle Interactive Bicycle Map: You can choose your cycling level (frequent, average, occasional, select a neighborhood or type in an address, zoom in, use a measuring line to draw a route and find its length, etc.

– Seattle Bicycling Guide Map: You can download a guide or order a paper copy. The guide has a map and information about about facilities including green bike lanes, bike boxes, and bike dots.

– King County Bike Map:

– WA State Bicycle Map:

– WA State DOT Maps for Local Bicycle Paths:

Caspar Babypants at Northgate CC November 16


Bike Business – Green Bike Box

BikeIconSDOT installed Seattle’s first green bike box in 2010 at E Pike and 12th Ave.  The bike box is used at intersections to prevent bicycle/car collisions. It is a painted green rectangle on the road with a white bicycle symbol inside. In some locations it includes a green bicycle lane approaching the box.

The box creates space between cars and the crosswalk that allows bicyclists to position themselves ahead of cars at an intersection. One purpose of the box is to increase awareness and visibility of cyclists. Another is to encourage cyclists to make more predictable approaches to and through an intersection.

The most important thing to remember is that cars may not turn right on a red light at a bike box.


On the left is a photo of the bike box painted on the street. The photo on the right is a closeup of the instructional sign at the intersection.

 If you are a cyclist, here is how you use the bike box:

To turn left: Inside the bike box, move to the left and signal that you’re turning left.

Go through: Position yourself in the bike box in front of the through lane.

Turn right: Inside the bike box, move close to the right edge of the roadway and signal that you’re turning right.

If you are a motorist, here’s how to navigate the bike box:

When you stop at a yellow or red traffic signal,  stop behind the white stop line marked on the road right below where the bike box begins. Do not go into the bike box!  When the light turns green, motorists and cyclists move through the intersection as usual, with cyclists going first. Motorists turning right on green should signal and watch for cyclists to the right, especially in the green bike lane of the intersection. Cars may not turn right on a red light.