

Kids’ Art at Pinehurst Pocket Park


Happy New Year!  In the spirit of giving, our artist, Kaleo, drew this picture at Pinehurstfest and dedicated it to his friend Alex. Look familiar? It’s a drawing of the pocket park! Thank you, Kaleo, for starting the new year off with a beautiful addition to our park.

The park is at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE. Take a stroll over there to see this artwork in the original.

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.

CleanScape Waste Reduction Award

CleanScapesCleanScapes has announced the winners of its annual Neighborhood Waste Reduction Reward program. The neighborhoods of Maple Leaf, Lake City, Victory Heights, Pinehurst, and Wedgwood won the 2012/2013 competition.

We will receive a $50,000 community improvement project selected by community representatives and funded by CleanScapes. In this annual competition, CleanScapes challenges the neighborhoods it serves to reduce their solid waste footprint.

Proposed projects must be easily accessible for active use by the public and can cost up to $50,000. To be eligible for consideration, proposals must be for a capital improvement project located in the winning neighborhood collection area.

We will have more information later about the process of choosing  projects.

Congratulations to us and our neighboring communities!

Bike Business – Bike Laws

BikeIconThe Revised Code of Washington has a lot to say about how bicyclists are to use the roads, and how motorists are to interact with bicyclists. In this post we’ll cover bicyclists. Here are many of the references and links to the full text in the Code:

– 46.61.050 Bicycles must obey traffic lights and stop signs (as well as all other traffic control devices)

– 46.61.126 Bicycles & Pedestrians must follow traffic laws

– 46.61.160 Bicycles cannot ride on some limited access highways

Continue reading Bike Business – Bike Laws

Pinehurst Art Studio Open House Dec 14-15

Talented Pinehurst artist Victoria Raymond is having a studio show right here in the neighborhood! She invites us to stop by for some holiday cheer and wine and cheese December 14th and 15th, 1:00 to 8:00 pm. Her colorful, three dimensional, children’s book art will be on display as well as lovely paintings of her garden, including handmade cards.
Victoria’s studio is on the NW corner of 23rd Ave NE and NE 113th St, at 11301 23rd Ave. NE. Best access is up the driveway from NE 113th, just a few feet to the east of one of Pinehurst’s Little Free Libraries. No doubt many of you have enjoyed seeing Victoria’s beautiful garden on your walks through the neighborhood. Now you can see how it has inspired her art!

Health Center Development Meeting Dec. 12


Bike Business – Loop Detectors

Some intersections with traffic lights have special bike facilities to help speed light changes when cyclists are waiting at a red light where there are no cars (which have their own signal detection loops that bikes don’t trigger). These are called loop detectors and they are coils of wire set into the pavement. When the metal parts, such as wheel rims, of a bicycle are detected electromagnetically, the loop detector tells the light control mechanism that a bike is waiting. The light may not change immediately, but the sequencing will take into account that a cyclist is waiting.

Loop detectors are usually behind the white stop line and generally slightly to the right. The older street marking that indicates a loop detector is a T as in the photo on the right.  Newer markings conform to a national standard. It is a line with a bike embedded in it – see photo on left. In both cases, position the bike’s front wheel over the marking.


loopdetectorbikeSome intersections don’t have this marker, or it may be faded away. If you think a specific intersection should have a marker you can contact to let them know.


November 2013 Pinehurst Crime Report

Here is a limited picture of Pinehurst property crime for November 2013. You can see ALL the types of crime at Choose the North neighborhood and choose a date range.

Most of the gray dot is a burglary and a car prowl.


North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes – December 2013

Seattle_Police_BadgeThis month’s speaker was Steve Johnson from the Liquor Control Board. Steve explained many aspects of the LCB’s role in setting up regulations for the state’s new recreational marijuana market. He described how each plant will be assigned a bar code and tracked  from ‘seed to sale’ in a database. A person is allowed to have one gram of marijuana in his/her possession and may consume it as long as it is not ‘in public view’. What this means exactly is still unclear; the initiative as written and then voted into law uses that phrase but does not define it!

The Precinct Captain announced that there are extra patrols for the holidays, with focus on areas of shopping such as the malls.  He also mentioned that there is a group of youths doing robberies in the Lake City and Northgate areas that SPD is working on putting out of business.

To see notes from Steve’s presentation and other reports from our Precinct Captain, City Attorney’s Office, Department of Corrections and Community Police Team, click here.

Holiday Crime Prevention Tips

From the Seattle Police Department, via North Precinct Advisory Council:


Pinehurst Grocery Bags


We have a few Pinehurst grocery bags left from Pinehurstfest. At $10, one would be a great gift for a neighbor!  Proceeds go to Pinehurst Community Council for next year’s Pinehurstfest. Contact
