

Light Rail at NE 130th St?

DEIS_StationsAs you may be aware, one of the station locations being considered for the Link Light Rail extension to Lynnwood is NE 130th St, by I-5. Renee already posted in the Facebook group and Lake City Live has a really good write-up on some of the advantages of this location. From my perspective it’s especially good for future transit connections to Pinehurst, Lake City, and the other surrounding neighborhoods.

The Seattle city council is voting Monday @ 2:00 pm on their recommendations to Sound Transit.

Please consider even a short email to them before then ( if you support this alignment.










Lake City Live:

September 2013 Pinehurst Crime Report


Here is a limited picture of Pinehurst property crime for September 2013. You can see ALL the types of crime at Choose the North neighborhood and choose a date range.

Because the map now consolidates multiple crimes in a gray dot, I’ve tried to minimize the number of un-useful gray dots by eliminating the property crime statistic.

Living Room Chat With the Police

burglarCome to a living room chat with Seattle Police. Officer James Manning will answer questions about crime prevention. It’s a perfect opportunity since we’ve been concerned about burglaries in the area. This chat is a ‘class’ in the community center catalog, so you must register in advance (it’s free though). Call Northgate CC at 206-386-4283 for instructions.

Place: Northgate Community Center, 10510 5th Ave NE

Date: October 16, 2013

Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Kids Art at Pinehurst Pocket Park


 Fanuel drew the artwork that’s in the kiosk at Pinehurst Pocket Park this month. He made  the drawing and the background separately, but they go together nicely, don’t they? He did this work at Pinehurstfest last summer. Thank you Fanuel – it looks great in the park!

Take an autumn walk to the park. You’ll see this piece, and maybe also the squirrels who are busy burying horse chestnuts from the tree at the north end. The park is at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE.

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.

Celebrate the Jackson Park Golf Course Perimeter Trail

YOU’RE INVITED to CELEBRATE the completion of the JACKSON PARK GOLF COURSE PERIMETER TRAIL with the installation of its flagship artwork on September 28, from 11am – 1pm at the entrance to the golf course parking lot on NE 135th St & 11th ave NE

  • see the new art installation and meet the artist Celeste Cooning
  • learn more about the trail and the local environment with Thornton Creek Alliance
  • enjoy a nature walk with a naturalist and bird expert
  • learn more about joining volunteer work parties
  • meet and greet your fellow trail users
  • refreshments provided by the generous sponsorship of area businesses, Seattle Parks, and FOJPT

We hope to see you there!

Seeking Volunteers for the Jane Addams K-8 Departure Advisory Committee!

Renee already posted this in the Facebook group but I wanted to make sure everybody had a chance to see it. It’s a great opportunity to get involved in the new Jane Addams School in Pinehurst and advise on zoning issues that affect the neighborhood.

Here’s your chance to serve on an advisory committee that will recommend whether to grant zoning modifications needed to allow the construction of the new elementary school.

The Seattle School District is requesting a waiver (departure) from some City zoning regulations for the construction of a new Jane Addams K-8 @ Pinehurst. The District plans to demolish the existing school and construct a new Kindergarten thru 8th grade including gym/commons/stage, library, administrative offices, classrooms and other learning areas at 11530 12th Avenue. The School District is requesting modifications for increased lot coverage, greater than allowed height, less than required on-site parking spaces and on-street bus loading.

The process for considering this request includes hearings before an advisory committee composed of neighbors and School District and City representatives.

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is seeking interested persons in the community to serve on this Committee. The role of the Committee will be to conduct public meetings, gather and evaluate public comment, and either recommend granting the request with or without conditions to minimize its impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, or recommend denial of the departures.  The City will make the final decision.

The Committee will be composed of eight representatives from the following groups:

1.      A person residing within 600’ of the proposed site.
2.      A person owning property or a business within 600’ of the proposed site.
3.      Two representatives of the general neighborhood.
4.      A representative-at-large to represent city-wide education issues.
5.      Two representatives of the Jane Addams PTSA.
6.      A representative of the Seattle School District.

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please send a letter of interest by either e-mail or regular mail to:

Steve Sheppard
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
700 5th Avenue Suite 1700
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649


Letters of interest should be received by October 16, 2013

For more information call Steve Sheppard, Department of Neighborhoods at 206-684-0302.

New North Precinct Police Station!

City of Seattle identifies site for new North Precinct police station

City will host informational community open house on Oct. 26

SEATTLE – The city of Seattle has identified property – located at the southeast corner of Aurora Avenue North and North 130th Street – as the recommended site for a new police station to serve the north precinct. Council review and approval of legislation authorizing the property acquisition, including a public hearing, is expected in December 2013.

“The Seattle Police Department outgrew its current north precinct police station long ago, and now, with the improving economy, we’re in a position to do something about it,” said Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn. “We’ve found a site for a new station that will meet all of SPD’s operational needs and even offer space for community use. I encourage everyone interested to attend the city’s fall open house to learn more about the project.”

On Saturday, Oct. 26, the city will host a community open house to provide more information on the site selection process, how the site meets SPD’s operational needs, the development schedule, and future opportunities for public comment. The open house will be from 10 a.m. to noon at the Bitter Lake Community Center gym, 13035 Linden Ave. N.

“Being on the corner of major arterials with good access to I-5, and offering enough space to build a station that will meet our needs for decades to come – this site offers the best location for the Seattle Police Department’s north-end operations,” said Interim Chief of Police Jim Pugel.

Continue reading New North Precinct Police Station!

Jane Addams Pinehurst Meeting

PinehurstSchoolRecommendedDesignConceptSave The Date:
October 10th, 2013
Jane Addams Pinehurst Meeting

So we just posted about the community meetings coming up on the Pinehurst/AS-1 K-8 program but I also wanted to make sure everybody knew about another upcoming Pinehurst Community Council meeting on the Jane Addams project.

There was a meeting at Jane Addams a while ago to discuss the plans for the new building and program at the Pinehurst location. (See the presentation here.) It wasn’t as well attended by Pinehurst people as I’d like (partly due to the location I think) so I wanted to do something more close to home. I don’t have the exact time or location yet but we’re planning on October 10th.

I’ve got both the School District (project management/architect side of things) and the PTSA confirmed so far. I want to focus on letting people know more about what’s been going on, what’s planned, and how we can get more involved as a community. Personally, I think it will be especially important to start focusing on sidewalks and safe routes to the school well in advance so it can become part of the larger plan.


Light Rail Survey Work Along I-5

Survey work in September & October –

LightRailDuring the months of September and October residents may notice field crews completing survey work in neighborhoods along the Interstate 5 corridor between Northgate and Lynnwood for the Lynnwood Link Extension project. All work will be completed during normal business hours within the public right-of-way and access to private property will not be necessary. Vehicular access will be maintained at all times.

The survey areas selected do not reflect any decisions about the future route or stations but do indicate key areas where more information is needed regardless of the preferred alternative that is expected to be identified by the Sound Transit Board this fall. Residents with questions about this survey work are encouraged to call Sound Transit and avoid approaching field staff with questions as they complete their work.

Planning continues on the extension of light rail to Lynnwood.

For more information about survey work or the Lynnwood Link Extension contact Roger Iwata, Community Outreach Corridor Lead at 206-689-4904


Pinehurst K8 School Changes


schoolhouseAs you are probably  aware, changes are coming. Pinehurst K8 is slated to be torn down and a new building is planned for the site. A design team has made design recommendations and presented them in July. Information about the new construction is here.

The Pinehurst/AS-1 K-8 program is being displaced, and most-likely closed, to make way for the larger environmental sciences K-8 program currently in the Jane Addams building. There will be public hearings about this at the school, 11430 12th Ave NE, September 25, 7:00 – 8:30, and October 8, 6:30 – 8:00.

SPS is drafting new enrollment boundaries to accommodate growth and new construction. A community meeting will be at Nathan Hale High School Commons, 10750 30th Avenue NE, on September 24, 6:30 – 8:30.

These changes are coming out of the Building Excellence Capital Program.

Other documents: