

Pinehurst K8 School Changes


schoolhouseAs you are probably  aware, changes are coming. Pinehurst K8 is slated to be torn down and a new building is planned for the site. A design team has made design recommendations and presented them in July. Information about the new construction is here.

The Pinehurst/AS-1 K-8 program is being displaced, and most-likely closed, to make way for the larger environmental sciences K-8 program currently in the Jane Addams building. There will be public hearings about this at the school, 11430 12th Ave NE, September 25, 7:00 – 8:30, and October 8, 6:30 – 8:00.

SPS is drafting new enrollment boundaries to accommodate growth and new construction. A community meeting will be at Nathan Hale High School Commons, 10750 30th Avenue NE, on September 24, 6:30 – 8:30.

These changes are coming out of the Building Excellence Capital Program.

Other documents:

Multicultural Fundraiser Oct 12

NELCEnjoy an international dinner and help raise funds for Northgate Early Learning Center, a Pinehurst business.

Featuring authentic cuisine and dance performances from the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bulgaria, China, Eritrea and Ethiopia. Plus door prizes and more!

Proceeds will help  finish the  toddler room.

Saturday, October 12, 5 PM

12345 8th Ave NE

$20 per person in advance or $25 at the door (children are free and welcome!)

To purchase tickets contact the NELC office at 206-367-2759 or

NELC is a non-profit 501(C)(3) childcare center and preschool

Next Jackson Park Trail Work Party is 9/21!

The Friends of Jackson Park Trail invite you to join us for the next trail maintenance work party on September 21, from 10am to 2pm.

We will be cutting back blackberries and other invasive vegetation encroaching on the trail, and removing litter. Please bring hand pruners and stout gloves if you have them, also a source of hydration. We will be meeting for volunteer sign-in at the southwest corner of the trail on 5th ave NE. We hope to see you there! P.S. Monthly work parties are being planned, hopefully for the 3rd Saturday morning every month. We are starting small, by cutting back encroaching vegetation, but we hope to move on to removing invasives and replanting natives in the autumn and winter. We hope you can join us!


YOU’RE INVITED to CELEBRATE the completion of the JACKSON PARK GOLF COURSE PERIMETER TRAIL with the installation of its flagship artwork on September 28, from 11am – 1pm at the entrance to the golf course parking lot on NE 135th St & 11th ave NE

  • see the new art installation and meet the artist Celeste Cooning
  • learn more about the trail and the local environment with Thornton Creek Alliance
  • enjoy a nature walk with a naturalist and bird expert
  • learn more about joining volunteer work parties
  • meet and greet your fellow trail users
  • refreshments provided by the generous sponsorship of area businesses, Seattle Parks, and FOJPT

Final Paving on NE 125th St

Slight change in plans so I wanted to make sure everybody saw this. But seems like great news to me. Finishing sooner and not in the middle of the week. –Phillip

Just a quick update on the latest paving news.    The final paving of NE 125th Street and Roosevelt Way NE between 5th and 23rd Avenues NE will be done tomorrow night, Saturday 9/7(weather permitting) starting at 6PM and finishing Sunday morning.

Rainfall prevented this work from taking place last night and tonight as planned, but the weekend’s forecast is clear, so crews are going to work rather than enjoy what may be the last warm dry weekend this year.

Paving this weekend means we’ll finish sooner and in just one night rather than two by starting at 6PM rather than at 8PM and working – if needed – into what would otherwise be morning commute hours.  And the traffic control will come down, and the striping be placed, just that much sooner.

ART BROCHETCapital Projects CoordinatorSeattle Department of TransportationCapital Projects & Roadway Structures Division700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3900

PO Box 34996

Seattle, WA 98124-4996

206-615-0786 (Tel)

August 2013 Pinehurst Crime Report

Here is a limited picture of Pinehurst property crime for August 2013. You can see ALL the types of crime at Choose the North neighborhood and choose a date range.

Note the SPD map has been modified ( if not improved) so that if multiple crimes are in close proximity, they are represented by the number of incidents enclosed in a gray circle. This is good on the on-line version because you can hover over the circle and see a list of  the incidents. It’s not so helpful for reporting such as below because you can’t tell which of the 4 types of crime is being represented. I may consider eliminating the new Property Damage type to try to minimize the gray dot thing. Let me know how you feel about that idea.


North Precinct Advisory Council Minutes – Sept 2013

Seattle_Police_BadgeThis month’s speaker was Dongho Chang, SDOT Traffic Engineer. We asked him to talk primarily about the bicycle infrastructure being implemented from the Bicycle Master Plan. In the minutes there are lots of links to SDOT’s website that has information about the structures being implemented, such as cycle tracks,  the rules of the road, etc.

Residential burglaries are up 50% in the north precinct so far this year. SPD is putting a focus on both car thefts and residential burglaries. Some significant arrests of prolific thieves have been made.


To see Dongho’s comments, crime info, and other news from the North Precinct, see the September minutes here.

Pinehurst Crime Prevention Meeting Sept 12

burglarTerrie Johnston, Seattle Police North Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator, has generously offered to meet with Pinehurst neighbors to discuss what we can do to help prevent crime in our neighborhood, especially home security ideas.  Please join us and share this information with your neighbors.

Pinehurst Neighbors – Crime Prevention
Thursday, September 12 from 7-8 pm
Amante Pizza (Banquet Room)
12319 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125
You can also learn more about crime prevention at the Seattle Police web site here:

Thanks to Renee Staton for setting up this meeting.

Kids Art in Pinehurst Pocket Park

Alexa-TurtleAndSilverPearsAlexa drew this fine picture at Pinehurstfest. She explained that it is a turtle wearing a purple bow, beneath a silver pear tree. Come take a stroll in the pocket park and view her art in the kiosk at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE. Thank you, Alexis, for making our park beautiful!

While you’re there, take a peek in the Little Free Library across 19th from the park. Maybe the book you’ve been wanting to read is sitting right there.

If you would like to submit your child’s artwork for the Pocket Park, please email We’ll put it on mat board donated by FRAMEIT Ltd, 10712 5th Ave NE.

Seeking Info on Stolen P-Patch Furniture

JacksonParkPPatchChairsWe’ve been asked to help, in case anyone knows anything about this incident:

“I am a member of the Jackson Park P-Patch contacting you to relay some community news and ask for your assistance. My fellow gardeners and I are taken aback regarding a theft that occurred at the P-Patch earlier this week.  We want to get the word out via social media to bring attention to this.  Our hope is to get any information regarding the incident, as well as discouraging these types of events by making those who do these things aware that the public is watching. We would be willing to work with someone who has taken the furniture by mistake and is willing to return it.

Late Mon evening or Tues morning (8/26-8/27), someone took 2 chairs & a table. Description of items taken:

  • Two Adirondack styled chairs but distinctive in that they have a flat, not back-slanted seat like most Adirondack chairs.  Made of four inch plank cedar with a fresh clear stain. These chairs are an annual stocked item at Don Willis furniture.
  • One small table also made of four inch plank cedar with fresh clear stain. Is in “picnic bench” style (the legs sort of criss-cross).

We had a group of gardeners join our P-Patch this year, Young Adult Stroke Survivors, thatuse our raised beds. This group needed places to sit & rest while gardening. Their leader worked very hard with the rest of our leadership team to write a grant, procure furniture, organize a work party to refinish it, transport it & install it at the site. Unfortunatly they only were able to use it for few short weeks before someone felt they needed it more.

If anyone has any information that may be helpful we would truly appreciate hearing from them.
Thank you.”
Rose Brown
206 696 1769


FREE Political Empowerment Class @ NSCC

I took this class last time it was offered and it was a lot of fun. I’d highly suggest it to anybody interested in learning more about the local political process and how to get more involved. Please email ( or call (206-973-7237) if you have any questions. –Phillip Duggan

Free to North Seattle community members!

This class is for everyone with an interest in the political process or desire to explore public leadership opportunities! No prior knowledge required.

Interested students should be directed to NSCC Continuing Education office or call (206) 934-3705 to register.



Tuesdays, October 15, 22, and 29, 2013
(This class is 6 hours total, two hours per week.)
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: North Seattle Community College
Cost: Free to community members!

Political Empowerment Workshop Instructors:
Velma Veloria, Former WA State Legislator, Community Organizer/Activist
Alice Tang Coil, Diversity Educator/Trainer, Community Organizer/Activist

Well known former State Representative and activist Velma Veloria and educator/activist Alice Tang Coil have teamed up again to offer another informative, engaging and informative course on “POLITICAL  EMPOWERMENT.” The interactive class sponsored by North Seattle Community College will demystify the  political and policy making process, enabling participants to recognize their own leadership potential, gain confidence in their ability to participate in the public sectors, and advocate for change. The goal of the workshop is to inspire community members who choose to lead and work for positive change at local, state, and
national levels.

This course offers:

  • Interactive learning opportunities with community leaders from public and private who will their inside stories to public leadership positions,
  • Hands-on activities to assist participants with developing specific leadership skills and community organizing strategies,
  • Practices of SPEAK UP AND BE HEARD on issues identified by participants.