If you support building sidewalks in Pinehurst, please come to the North District Council meeting tonight, 7:00PM, Lake City Library,
12501 28th Ave NE. Also, if you haven’t already, please sign the sidewalk petition for NE 115th St, between 5th Ave NE and 15th Ave NE.
Thank you,
Eric Youngblut
Pinehurst Community Council Vice President
I hope we’re talking about a REAL sidewalk, raised above the street level. The paved “pedestrian” walkway along 115th between 15th and Lake City Way is regularly occupied by parked cars, even when it is freshly painted.
We have a design for the segment between 5th and Roosevelt, a concrete curb, planting strip, and asphalt walking surface. See the design here.
Thanks for signing the petition. Demonstrating community support will help get this project considering for funding.
It seems that the plan does not include the block between Roosevelt and 15th NE. Can you explain why? It seems like a missed opportunity as so mnay people walk between 15th NE a major bus route AND Roosevelt in both directions, including many school children. Not to mention all the retired citizens that live at Merrill Gardens, in that very block.
The design for the 5th to Roosevelt segment was part of a previous round of funding, but we are submitting the whole stretch from 5th to 15th for this round.
I updated the project page last night with more information.