

Tree Care and Planting Workshop

Saturday, Oct. 22nd, 10am-1pm

Beaver Pond Park

The Northgate/Matthews Beach Tree Ambassadors group invites you to join like-minded neighbors and friends Saturday, October 22nd for a workshop focusing on best practices for Tree Care & Planting.

 Learn all about keeping your trees free of ivy and other hazards.

Discover the best ways to plant and care for trees.

Actively participate in helping Seattle regrow a healthy tree canopy and pick up skills you can use at home.

Spend hands-on time clearing invasives away from trees and then work together to plant six conifers.

Get better acquainted with Northgate’s least known forested park and its urban wildlife!

Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Be prepared for rain! Bring your water bottle and laminated or leather gloves. We will provide gloves if needed and all tools, snacks, and beverages.

Meet on the north side of the Northgate’s Beaver Pond Natural Area on Thornton Creek, NE 106th Street and 8th Ave. NE, at 10:00am. Our work site is one block south of Northgate Way just east of 8th Ave. NE. There are no signs. When you see the trees you’re there!

Questions? Feel free to contact your neighborhood Tree Ambassadors: Ruth Williams (206) 930-8965, Philip Stielstra (425) 830-3589, Teri O’Leary (206) 953-8335, Debbie Lematta (206) 898-5149

This event is dedicated to the memory of Kenyan Wangari Maathai, tree planter extraordinaire.

The Tree Ambassador program empowers residents to become stewards of the urban forest and serve as resources for their local community. The program is a project of the Green Seattle Partnership, a collaboration between the City of Seattle and the Cascade Land Conservancy and is funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry program.

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