

Save the Date for Pinehurst Community Council meeting 3/8/2012

‎The next Pinehurst Community Council meeting will be the evening of March 8th. More info – location, time, agenda, will be announced later. We hope to meet for the first time in the Pinehurst Playfield shelter house, but it’s not confirmed yet. We do have confirmation that Terrie Johnston, our SPD Crime Prevention Coordinator, will speak and answer questions on crime.

Two Dog Yoga Free Days







Two Dog Yoga offers 16 yoga and qigong classes spread throughout FOUR DAYS FREE. Get free of your routine and try something new. This is your chance to try out a different teacher, get a taste of a different form and bring your friends, families and neighbors into the Two Dog fold. No limit on how many classes you can take during this week of gratitude for the community. Bring friends, family, neighbors! Classes are open to all & all levels of experience, even if you’re brand new to yoga or qigong. See flier; send questions.

Friday, February 17
6:00am – 7:30am Yoga Annie
8:30am – 9:45am Gentle Yoga Wendy
10:00am – 11:30am Yoga Wendy
1:00pm – 2:30pm Yoga Leslie
Saturday, February 18
8:30am – 10:00am Yoga Annie
10:15am – 11:45am Yoga Annie
12:00pm – 1:15pm Gentle Yoga Gail
1:30pm – 2:30pm A Taste of Qigong Martha
2:45pm – 3:45pm Parent-Child Yoga Leslie
Sunday, February 19
11:00am – 12:30pm Yoga Suzanne
4:15pm – 5:15pm Mountain Way Meditation Martha
5:30pm – 7:00pm Yoga Leslie
Monday, February 20
6:00am – 7:30am Yoga Nancy
12:00pm – 1:15pm Yoga Annie
5:30pm – 7:00pm Yoga Annie
7:15pm – 8:15pm A Taste of Qigong Martha

Closing in On a Drug House

Sometimes on a walk to the library I’ve noticed unusual activity at a house near NE 127th St & 25th Ave NE. For instance, one morning a guy holding a beer was in the empty street yelling. I learned recently it’s a known drug house. Here is a report on what SPD is doing about it:

“Officer Kipp Strong was contacted by phone about our friendly neighborhood drug house yesterday. He said that they are in the process of abatement. Abatement is a last resort for closing down a drug house in which the state takes the property away from the property owner. The house is a rental. The owner lives 3 doors away. She is reluctant to evict the tenants for reasons unknown. The tenants are not complying with requests that they stop the criminal activities, and will eventually be evicted either by the city or by the owner. DPD is also pursuing land use code violations.

There were 3 felony warrant arrests made there in the last week of January. The police are making it a priority to drive by the house and stop if something does not look right. The best thing that we can do to help SPD is call 911 if anything looks suspicious. DON’T BE AFRAID TO CALL. Let them decide if the info is worthwhile. We are the eyes and ears for the police.  Officer Strong was asked if it would be helpful to record license plate numbers and vehicle make / model info. He said that would be very helpful. Write the info down and send to

There is also one person ( that I know of  ) that frequents the house that has been going door to door in the neighborhood looking for landscape work. You can tell him that you do not want his services and for him not to return. If he returns, he is trespassing and can be arrested. ”

Me again. At the last North Precinct Advisory Council the arrests were announced. The officer said there were about ten people in the house when they came to make the arrests. I can attest to the fact that police are cruising by the house – I’ve seen them do it. Hopefully this saga will end soon and our neighborhood will be a little bit cleaner.

This report is another reminder that the police like it when we call 911 about suspicious activity. We should not be afraid that our call doesn’t warrant emergency attention.

January 2012 Crime Map

Here is a limited picture of Pinehurst crime for January 2012. You can see all the types of crime at Choose North neighborhood and dates January 1 – 31.


Message from Crime Prevention Coordinator

Here is an email we got from Terrie Johnston, Crime Prevention Coordinator on February 1:

Position:  Mayor McGinn and the Seattle City Council decided last November to maintain the 3 remaining Crime Prevention Coordinators for another year.

This means I will continue serving the North Precinct’s neighborhoods with establishing and maintenance of Block Watches; conducting free security surveys for both commercial spaces and residents.  I am available for personal safety trainings; workplace violence prevention, etc.  I am happy to be a part of the Community Police Team, and look forward to continuing this meaningful work.  Our Block Watch Captains are unsung heroes. We rely on your eyes and ears, and appreciate your sharing these e-lerts I send out with others.

Property Crime:  In much of the North precinct, the burglary rates have decreased or stabilized.  There are still increased numbers of residential burglaries in some northeast neighborhoods.  They are primarily occurring during the hours of 6 a.m. to about 6 p.m.  Knocking on doors to see if anyone is at home is still a common method used by thieves.  In some cases, there is a female driver who serves as chauffeur and lookout, for her male accomplices.   The lookout has been seen texting the thieves about watchful neighbors, etc.  Kicking in doors, or door jambs is prevalent.  We recommend all exterior doors be solid core doors, (or metal) and are a minimum of 1 ¾” thick.  For maximum security, all exterior doors should be equipped with a deadbolt lock and reinforced strike plates, using 3” screws which will go into the framework.  Locks within 40 inches of glass are vulnerable.

Watchful neighbors remain your best alarm.  9 times out of 10, our burglars are arrested due to 9-1-1 calls from neighbors who heard or saw something suspicious and made that call.

9-1-1:  I think I speak for the entire Community Police Team when I tell you that every day in our e-mail inbox, or on our telephone’s voicemail inbox, we find messages from the community that say something like this, “I wanted to let you know that I just saw something suspicious……….but I didn’t think this merited a 9-1-1 call”.  Almost always the information is detailed, with good descriptions and refers to something that may or may not have been criminal, but certainly seemed odd.  And almost always it is too late for SPD to do anything with that information.   I am now hoping to encourage you to trust that gut feeling of yours.   If you get the sense that something weird is happening, even if it isn’t an emergency, please call 9-1-1 and simply state what you are reporting.  The call taker will decide whether your call should be transferred off the primary line onto a secondary line.   You don’t know what you prevent by getting a patrol cruiser coming into your neighborhood.

Happy New Year!  Thanks for supporting Crime Prevention.  Contact me at 684-7711 for any questions or follow up services.  tj

Emergency Skills Training

Jackson Park Improvements Meeting

I just got notification on a meeting that will be discussing the new Jackson Park Trail. It looks like work is scheduled to start soon!

“Please join us at the second meeting for the Jackson Park Golf Course Improvements. This meeting will concentrate on the new perimeter trail and the golf course modifications.  Parks will give an update on the status of the golf hole construction, cart paths and perimeter trail work scheduled to start in the spring 2012.”

Public Meeting #2
Thursday February 9, 2012
7 – 8:30 p.m.
Jackson Park Golf Clubhouse
1100 NE 135th
Seattle, WA 98125

For more information visit:

Place to Keep Your Eye on Northgate Development

Thanks to Maple Leaf Community Council, here is a website with valuable links to documents related to the Northgate Urban Center zoning and Northgate LINK Light Rail Station plans.

There is plenty of opportunity to get involved. Check back on that page once in a while, and we’ll also be posting some  meetings on our Pinehurst website.

City Hall Open House

Meeting: Thornton Creek Alliance (Thu 1/26)

Sorry for the late notice on this and for everybody who won’t see it until the next email goes out. It only came in 15 minutes ago so I got it up as quickly as I could.

 Natural Area Restoration, Volunteers,
Crime & Personal Safety

THORNTON CREEK ALLIANCE invites you to an open discussion. Participate in brainstorming sessions with neighbors and community leaders.  Hear from others working to create better neighborhoods by integrating community interests.

January 26th Thursday 7pm – 9pm
Meadowbrook Community Center,  10517 35th Ave. NE, Seattle 98125

Sally Bagshaw           Seattle City Council Chair of Parks Committee
Terrie Johnston          SPD Community Liaison
Joanna Nelson de Flores          Green Seattle Partnership Project Manager
Chris Saleeba            Seattle Greenways


Blockwatch + Educators + Park Stewards + Parks Department + Tree Ambassador Program + Community Activists: Maple Leaf, Pinehurst, Shoreline,..

Anyone who wants to explore how we nurture our natural areas while enhancing our personal safety in and around them

The spring meeting is March 22.  More information: Judy Olson at 206-523-4384 or  with comments or post a message at or write: TCA, PO BOX 25690, Seattle, WA 98165