

Kids Art at Pinehurst Pocket Park

EvanBugsThree year old Evan has made us another cool picture for our Pocket Park.

This one is a summer scene, with the sun, a bird, a butterfly and bugs. Thanks, Evan!

The Pocket Park is at 19th Ave NE and NE 117th St.

If you would like to submit an artwork for the Pocket Park, please email or come to Pinehurstfest, where we’ll have a table where kids can make drawings. We’ll put them on matt board donated for this purpose by FRAMEIT Ltd (539 NE Northgate Way) and put them up one by one at the Pocket Park.

REMINDER: Pinehurstfest July 16th!

I’ll keep this short as I’m getting married Sunday (only some last minute planning still left) but I wanted to make sure to send out another reminder on Pinehurstfest. It’s on Saturday July 16th from 2-5pm.


Pinehurst Community Council By-Laws On-Line

We posted the PCC by-laws on the Pinehurst Community Council page of this blog. Navigate to that page from the panel on the right side of the screen, under the Pages heading. Or read them here.

Pinehurst Land Use Notice

I don’t know any details other than what you see below but it looks like a nice mixed use project. It’s good to see mixed use as opposed to all the apartments and condos along 15th with nothing on the ground floor.

[EDIT:] It was pointed out that because the zoning is NC-40 and it’s in the Northgate Overlay District they’re required to have the commercial space on the ground floor. Also, this project was started and then stopped earlier.

Notice of Design Review Early Design Guidance Meeting











Contact phone:



Colin Vasquez

Planner phone:



The Director of DPD is convening the Design Review Board for an early design guidance meeting.


To propose a mixed use structure with 12 residential units above 1,400 sq. ft. of commercial use with at grade accessory parking provided within the structure. 


The applicants have applied for Design Review related to development of this site.  At the early design guidance meeting, the applicants will present information about the site and vicinity.  The public may offer comments regarding the design and siting ofa development on the subject site; and the Design Review Board members will also offer comments and identify those Citywide Design Guidelines of highest priority in developing the site.


Date: Monday, July 18, 2011

06:30 p.m.

Location: University Heights Center
5031 University Way NE
Room 209


For more information regarding this application or the Design Review process, you may contact the Land Use Planner listed above.  If you are unable to attend this meeting but would like to be informed of future meetings, please call the Land Use Planner to become a party of record.

The top of this image is North. This map is for illustrative purposes only. In the event of omissions, errors or differences, the documents in DPD’s files will control.

Pinehurstfest – Food Donations Accepted for North Helpline

One of the community organizations that will have a table at Pinehurstfest is North Helpline. It is a local organization that operates a food bank in Lake City. Recently it announced that donations were down, especially for protein foods. We’ll have a donation barrel at Pinehurstfest, so please consider making a donation of non-perishable foods, especially things like tuna and peanut butter. Thank you! See more about Pinehurstfest here. We hope to see you at our fun annual festival July 16th!


Police Picnic Coming Up July 9th

The Seattle Police Department North Precinct’s northprecinct_posterannual picnic is approaching.

Put it on your calendar!

It’s fun; I went last year and had a good time.

There was free food, music and dance on stage, tours of the precinct station, community tables, and I got to meet the bomb squad and their robots, swat team, the harbor patrol, and a huge police dog!

It’s Saturday, July 9th, 1-4pm.

The precinct is at 10049 College Way North (turn south on Meridian from Northgate Way and it eventually becomes College Way North), just north of North Seattle Community College, on the west side of the street. Parking is on the street.

Pinehurst Pets – Shakti Paw Love Monkey


A few years ago I made a commitment to adopt only senior pets, especially ones who had been abandoned or orphaned when their owners went to a nursing home or died. I only get 3 or 4 years with them, but they’re great years.

One of my current elders is a 10 pound, 15 year old deaf Poodle who arrived with the handle, “Shakti Paw Love Monkey.”  He gets called various parts of that name at different times, but my favorite is Love Monkey because that’s so much who he is.

So in the year and a half he has been with me after his life-time owner died, he has bonded closely, and now develops anxiety when I must be away from the house. If left home, he sets to wailing his little lungs out, to my housemate’s distress. As a result, Shakti has to go everywhere with me.

Some of my friends call him my Poodle Appendage. One friend calls him that little white hairy mole on my chest. And another offers a play on the therapy dog theme, “Aw, I love it that your dog has a therapy person.”


Visit my blog “Pet News You Can Use” at (also linked from Pinehurst Blog on the right panel under Blogroll).

If you would like to see your pet featured in the Pinehurst Pet of the Week column, please send a photo and a story about your pet to

Future of Metro Transit

Make your voice heard on transportation issue.

King County Executive Dow Constantine has asked the King County Council to make important decisions about the future of Metro Transit: approve a two-year, $20 congestion reduction charge to help maintain Metro service near current levels for two years, or begin the process of reducing the transit system by 17 percent.

The poor economy has hit Metro hard, causing a drop in Metro’s funding from sales tax. Metro has cut costs, raised fares four times, dug deeply into reserves, found new operating efficiencies, canceled the purchase of replacement buses, and negotiated cost-saving contracts with its employee unions. These actions have generated nearly $400 million to narrow Metro’s budget gap for 2008-2011 and about $143 million annually for the years ahead—but Metro still faces an ongoing shortfall of $60 million per year.

The two-year congestion reduction charge would be $20 a year on vehicles licensed in King County. The proceeds would be used to preserve transit service while King County works with regional leaders, legislators and the Governor on a long-term funding solution for transportation needs.

In case the congestion charge is not approved, the Executive also asked the Council to authorize a reduction of about 100,000 annual bus service hours in February 2012. This would be the first of a series of reductions totaling 600,000 service hours that the Executive will ask the Council to authorize for the next two years.

 Overall, a reduction of this size would affect 80 percent of Metro passengers—meaning 4 out of 5 bus riders would have to walk further, wait longer, make an extra transfer, stand in the aisle, or even see fully loaded buses pass them by.

To learn more and provide feedback:

1. Visit

2. Attend a Council hearing:

  • July 6 at 6:00 p.m.
    Kirkland City Council Chambers
    123 Fifth Avenue
    Kirkland, WA 98033
  • July 12 at 6:00 p.m.
    King County Council Chambers
    516 Third Avenue, 10th Floor
    Seattle, WA 98104
  • July 21 at 6:00 p.m.
    Burien City Council Chambers
    400 S.W. 152nd Street
    Burien, WA 98166

Home Invasion

Last week a home on 20th NE was broken into at 1:30 in the morning. Someone probably saw the laptop inside and broke a window to get it. Luckily a homeowner was up, heard the window break and screamed. The burglar fled.

Burglars are opportunists. Don’t give them opportunities:

  • Keep electronics and musical instruments out of sight from the windows
  • Keep doors and windows locked, even on the second floor
  • Put tools away so they are not used in the crime

And please be on the lookout for suspicious activity in neighbors’ yards. Call 911 to be on the safe side. The police don’t mind when it turns out to be a false alarm.

Have a safe summer!

Get Pinehurst T-Shirts at Pinehurstfest

Remember Pinehurstfest is coming up July 16th!  We’ll have some cool Pinehurst T-Shirts for sale as a Pinehurst Community Council fund raiser, so come on by and pick one up, listen to the great music, enjoy refreshments, win door prizes, and most important, meet your neighbors!
