

Eritrean Health Fair 2011 (May 7th)

Saturday, May 7th
11:00 am-4:00 pm

12327 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125
(Across the street from the new Pinehurst Safeway)

► Free Screening
► Free Food
► Free activities for adults and children

A special presentation & workshop will be held on “Cancer Prevention”.

Have You:

  • Checked Your Cholesterol?
  • Checked your blood pressure lately?
  • Checked your blood sugar lately?
  • Checked your dental health lately?

Do you:

  • Want to learn more about lifestyle changes and effects on your health?
  • Want to know how to prevent dental health problems?
  • Know you can control blood pressure or blood sugar with lifestyle change?
  • Know that choices you make can affect your health?

If you want to know about this and more, please join us for the 4th Annual Eritrean Health Fair to be held on May 7th 2011.

Organized by: HOPE – Eritrean Social Services.
Sponsored by Eritrean Orthodox Church, City of Seattle, NML etc.

Full Flyer Available Here:

I’ve uploaded a new copy of the flier which includes some small changes.

Thornton Creek Park #6 Work Party April 17th

  • Time:  10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Where:  Meet at the end of NE 104th,  west of 8th Ave. NE  (Go to 8th NE and turn west on NE 104th, a dead end.  Near the Wildora Apts.)  We’ll collect tools and then walk past the beaver pond on our way to the work site.
  • Questions or RSVP:  Ruth Williams – or 206-930-8965 

We’ll work on the north side of NE 106th and along the fence between the apartment building and the park.  We’ll  pull ivy, mulch plants, and improve the social trail along the fence.  Maybe do a little planting too. 

We provide snacks, beverages, laminated gloves, tools, and possible wildlife sightings.  Please dress for the weather, bring your water bottle, and wear sturdy shoes.

Looking for Tree Ambassadors for Pinehurst

Green Seattle Partnership is working with the Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment to start a residential and street-scape property tree program called the Tree Ambassadors.  Tree Ambassadors will work in our neighborhood to help support and create tree canopy through a wide range of projects and outreach activities.  The goal of the program is to help as many residents as possible plant the right trees in our yards and parking strips, and to help educate about species that shouldn’t be growing in our yards.

Tree Ambassadors will be trained in the basics of urban forestry, leadership and community organizing. Tree Ambassador will work in teams of 2-3 people to develop projects for our neighborhood which could include tree walks, invasive species removal workdays, and/or tree plantings. No previous tree experience necessary, only a desire to learn and a passion for urban greenery. Both the team and individual applications and more information can found be online at Applications are due April 24.

15th Ave NE Bridge Reopens Next Friday, 4/15

The City is planning to reopen the 15th Ave NE bridge to traffic next Friday afternoon.

We plan on reopening the 15th Ave NE @ 105th bridge on April 15th…. The contractor has indicated that they will use the day of the 15th to remove signage, clean up the work area and finally remove the barricade before opening up the roadway by 5pm. If there are any changes to the schedule we will be sure to let you know. Otherwise, we appreciate the communities patience while we finish up this very important bridge project.

I asked about Metro moving the bus routes back, and although I didn’t get a definitive answer. The buses may be back on 15th on Monday, 4/18.

City of Seattle Online Survey on Police and Public Safety

The Mayor is seeking public opinion on the police department and citizens’ public safety. Here are the survey and the Mayor’s press release.

The City of Seattle is conducting a public opinion survey among Seattle residents aged 18 and over concerning their views of public safety and the Seattle Police Department. We are only asking for your opinion on the Seattle Police Department, not other police agencies such as the Washington State Patrol. This study is being conducted by graduate students at the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington on behalf of the Mayor’s Office. Your answers will help police and city officials provide effective and responsive police services. No identifying information will be collected and you may choose to skip any questions you do not want to answer or do not know the answer to. The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete.

Note: the survey divides up neighborhoods using the Community Reporting Areas the city sometimes uses. The CRA doesn’t call out Pinehurst. The survey team says our neighborhood lies in the Northgate/Maple Leaf CRA, so on the first question you can select that CRA. Regardless of how we’re lumped, our feedback is important!

Metro Plans To Close Some Routes 41/73 Stops

I haven’t taken a look at the exact stops yet but I wanted to add a couple quick comments on how this has gone in the past. Metro is going through this process to improve reliability and save money. They are facing major budget issues and the alternative is cutting out routes entirely in some cases. They’ve also done this successfully (depending on your point of view, of course) on other routes in the past and they’ve been very responsive to feedback. I know they made changes to their plans for other north-end routes based on the feedback they received. In some cases they changed which stops were being cut and in others they just cut less stops I think.

That being said, this will involve a lot of stops through the Pinehurst neighborhood. So please take a look at the proposed changes and submit your comments.

Metro is planning to close some bus stops for Routes 41 and 73 beginning April 30

Metro is planning to reduce the number of closely spaced bus stops on the Route 41 and 73 corridors, affecting some stops that also serve routes 48, 242, 243, 71, 72, 73, 77, 79, 83, 347, 348, and 373. The changes will help buses move faster and operate on a more reliable schedule, reduce energy consumption and emissions, and reduce Metro’s operating and maintenance costs.

Route 41 has 43 bus stops north of Northgate Transit Center. Metro plans to remove 12 of these stops, increasing the spacing between stops from about 785 feet to about 1,110 feet.

Route 73 has 85 bus stops north of NE 50th Street, and the plan will remove 33 to increase the average spacing between stops from about 715 feet to 1,180 feet. This total includes 14 of the bus stops on 15th Avenue NE that were closed in February 2010 and are not planned to reopen.

As a result of the changes, about 16 percent of Route 41 riders who board north of Northgate Transit Center and Route 73 riders who board north of NE 50th Street will have to catch their bus at a different stop. When the project is completed, all riders should have a faster, more reliable trip.

To learn more, view an interactive map of the stops, or submit comments, visit

Interactive Map (Click the link above for it to actually be interactive):


Reporting Housing & Land Use Code Violations – Clean Up Your Act

Seattle Council member Sally Clark’s current newsletter reminds us of the city’s Clean Up Your Act legislation, which increased fines for landlords and home owners who refuse to clean up their properties. If you have an on-going problem with a run-down or messy neighbor, you can make a complaint to the city. You can file a complaint here. Some common violations:

  • Inoperable or junk cars parked in yards.
  • Junk stored outside in residential zones, including discarded or used building materials, scrap metal, car parts, and old furniture.
  • Poor conditions in rental housing, such as leaks, inadequate door locks, rotting floors, no heat, or sanitation problems.
  • Vacant buildings open to unauthorized entry.
  • Vegetation overgrowth into the right-of-way.
  • Illegal operation of businesses in residential zones.
  • Illegal duplexes or triplexes in single family zones.
  • Activity in a building which does not conform to the issued Certificate of Occupancy, such as a dance hall in a warehouse.
  • Thornton Creek Alliance Invitation

    I’m terribly sorry about this being late for everybody who might not get this post in time. I’ve been sick and it just didn’t get marked to post like it should have.

    Arthur Lee Jacobson, Renowned Seattle Plant Expert,

    will present:

    Native Trees in our Watershed

    Thursday, March 31st

    Social Time: 6:45pm Program: 7:00pm

    Arthur Lee Jacobson is well known for his knowledge of a vast array of plants and for his books and essays. You can learn more about him at his web site here ( We will have copies of his books, Wild Plants of Greater Seattle andTrees of Seattle available for sale. Don’t miss this unique presentation!

    Lake City Meeting Location:

    Lake City Presbyterian Church (Rm B2) – 3841 NE 123rd St.

    Corner of 40th NE and NE 123rd. Park in back and enter through the basement door.)

    (Arthur will be returning to our June meeting to speak about plants and shrubs.)

    Meeting is free and open to the public. TCA elections and business meeting will follow the presentation.

    More information: Frank Backus, pres. – or 206-365-3348

    Visit TCA on Facebook!

    Hubbard Homestead Park Opens 4/23 with Egg Hunt

    Our new park, Hubbard Homestead Park, will open on Saturday, April 23rd! However, construction on the skate park portion of the park will continue into the summer.

    The Mayor will be present for the opening celebration:

    If you’re looking for a spring egg hunt, join Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Northgate community for the grand opening of Hubbard Homestead Park at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 23 at 5th Ave. NE and NE 112th St.

    The free egg hunt, for children 12 and younger, will kick off this neighborhood celebration that includes music, clowns, and light refreshments. Mayor Mike McGinn and some of the Hubbard family will cut the ribbon at 11 a.m.

    SDOT Recommends 125th St Project

    SDOT has posted on their blog that they will move forward with rechannelizing NE 125th St:

    After hearing from the public and conducting additional analysis, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has recommended to Mayor Mike McGinn that the city undertake a project to enhance safety along Northeast 125th Street by rechannelizing the roadway. Between Roosevelt Way Northeast and Northeast 28th Street, the road would have one travel lane in each direction, separated by a two-way left turn lane, and bicycle lanes on both sides of the street.

    Personally, I am very happy to see this occur. We make a few trips by car to Lake City each week. The center turn lane will be very useful. I will drive with more ease when there are not drivers weaving between the lanes at 40 MPH on a hill.