

Local Arson News

The PI has some news about the fire on 125th which does appear to an arson and is being linked to the fire behind Safeway yesterday.

Arson fire in North Seattle

Arson investigators arrived on scene soon after the flames were put out and Seattle Police Department scanner traffic suggested officers were combing the area looking for a suspect described as a man in his 50s wearing a black hoodie, black pants and a blue jacket. One officer showed a photograph of a bearded man with gray hair to neighbors near the scene.

Pinehurst Fire

I don’t have many details but there’s a fire response going on in Pinehurst still. And it looks big enough and timely enough I thought it would be worth sharing.

2/7/2010 2:28:10 PM – 2223 Ne 125th St Fire in Single Family Res

There were a LOT of units responding though as of 5-10 minutes ago it was down to only STAF10.
A2 AIR9 B4 B6 DEP1 E24 E31 E39 E40 L5 L9 M31 SAFT2 STAF10

[EDIT: I’m adding a couple pictures Renee was nice enough to send.]


Maple Leaf Reservoir Park Design Meeting February 9th

Maple Leaf Reservoir Park Community Meeting
the best opportunity to give your initial input to what our Park should be!
If you already haven’t, make sure to mark your calendar now!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
6 to 8pm
Olympic View Elementary — 504 NE 95th St

Even if you participated in the community-driven workshops that Friends for a Greater Maple Leaf Park hosted, and even if you have already provided comments on those concepts, this is your best and most effective opportunity to directly tell the Parks Dept and The Berger Partnership — our landscape architects — about what is important for you to see in our park.. Maybe your opinion on park amenities has been strengthened or maybe you have improved upon the ideas discussed. Please take the time to join in this important meeting. This is your best and most effective opportunity to directly tell the Parks Dept and with The Berger Partnership, our landscape architects, about what is important for you to see in our park. It really is best if they can hear it directly from you.

If you are unable to attend, make sure your opinion is included by emailing your comments on what you would like to see in our park to and cc to or mail them to: Kellee Jones — Seattle Parks & Rec — 100 Dexter AV N — Seattle, WA 98109

For more news and meeting reminders, sign up on the Upper Maple Leaf (Reservoir) Park email list at, then click on the red box on the right hand side.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone on what you would like in our park.

TTFN – Donna Hartmann-Miller
Chair, Friends for a Greater Maple Leaf Park

Invitation to Police Chief Search Committee Meeting

Police Chief Search Committee Meeting – February 10, 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Northgate Community Center 10510 5th ave NE

Mayor McGinn has appointed 26 people to serve on the search committee for a new police chief.  As part of the process the committee is asking the public for input on what criteria YOU want used in evaluating candidates.  At its next two meetings the committee will take public input. 

The first meeting is February 10, 5:30-8:30 pm at Northgate Community Center, 10510 5th Ave NE. 

The second meeting is February 17, 5:30-8:30 pm at Franklin High School, 3013 South Mount Baker Blvd.

If you plan to provide public comment please arrive just before 5:30 pm to sign up.

Northgate Fatality Follow-up

There’s an update to a pedestrian fatality near Northgate Mall last summer. The Seattle police are charging Scott Caudel with vehicular homicide. Apparently, the driver was going 52 mph in a 30 mph zone and was looking at his phone/gps when he struck and killed a legally blind 91 year old man crossing near the intersection of 5th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 97th Street.

There’s more info available at The Seattle Times:

There are a lot of rather heated comments at the Times too…

February North District Council

Some updates from this month’s North District Council Meeting:

  • Councilmember Tom Rasmussen discussed transportation issues, especially buses and sidewalks.
  • Sharon Rogers from Schools First was reminding people to vote on the school levies. And really wanted to make sure people were aware of the greatly reduced drop boxes this year so you’ll probably have to find a stamp…
  • Solynn McCurdy from Alliance for Education discussed community engagement. One topic that also came up was teacher quality. It wasn’t defined (nobody claimed to have a complete definition) but the idea was that it’s still worth having the discussion.
  • The process we went through for Bridging the Gap was summarized. As mentioned previously, the sidewalk on 115th was submitted as a 3rd place tie (it lost the tiebreaker) but the rest of the process still has a ways to go. I’ve asked for some more information from those involved on where things stand and should hopefully have some info soon.
  • Also, on a random note, I got nominated to be the Vice Chair of the North District Council. Which shouldn’t change much since I’m already attending as the Pinehurst representative. But it’s a more formal title I suppose…

I forgot to mention how nice it was to see so many different groups at the meeting this week. There were multiple representatives from the city (SDOT and Parks), multiple people speaking to education, and more. I think it’s great to get input from groups outside the community councils and other regulars.

15th Avenue NE at 105th Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project

We already mentioned the bus re-routes that are happening due to this project here but the Department of Transportation also has a lot more information available too.  Their website covers what the project is, the benefits, and the current schedule. They also include contact information in case you have any more questions.

Also, they just posted some recent updates on 2/2/2010…

  • IMPORTANT! Starting February 6, 2010 as part of Metro’s scheduled winter service change, Metro bus routes 73, 77, and 373 will be rerouted in preparation for the start of construction. Details are available online. For additional route information or questions, visit or call Metro Rider Information at (206) 553-3000.
  • The project went to Ad on January 13, 2010.
  • Construction is planned to begin in March 2010 and last for 11 months.
  • During construction, the bridge will be closed to all traffic, including all vehicles, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians. We anticipate the closure to begin as early as March 2010.

New Homework Help Hours at the Northgate Library

Starting Monday, February 1st, there will be new Homework Help Hours at the Northgate Library. Homework Help is a FREE tutoring service available to all elementary, middle, and high school students. Trained volunteers are available to assist students in grades K through 12 with school work on a drop-in basis on

  • Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:30 to 7 PM
  • Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 PM

during the school year (excepting school holidays). There will no longer be Homework Help on Thursday evenings.

Homework Help volunteers can help students understand their homework assignments, develop effective study skills, learn successful approaches for solving math problems and more. Northgate Library’s wonderful volunteers are a highly educated, enthusiastic, and supportive bunch that include native Spanish and Korean speakers. They are especially skilled at working with new English speakers.

For more information about Homework Help at the Northgate Library, please call (206) 386-1980 or visit our website.

New Hours of Operation at the Northgate Library

The Northgate Library will have reduced hours starting Wednesday, February 3rd. Due to city-wide budget cuts, the Northgate Branch of The Seattle Public Library (along with 14 other branches) will operate on a new schedule. The new hours of operation are:

  • Mondays & Tuesdays 1-8 PM
  • Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays 11 AM – 6 PM
  • Fridays, Sundays CLOSED

Hours are expanding at several nearby branches including Lake City, Northeast, and Greenwood. For more information about the changing schedule, please visit the library’s website.

Lost Kitten

UPDATE: Mr. Jones came home!

Please help find the lost kitten who lives on 20th Ave NE between NE 115th St and NE 117th St.

Our 6 month old kitten got out of the house last night and is missing. His name is Mr. Jones and he’s somewhat skittish. He’s small, skinny, and long, with a very long, skinny tail. He is an indoor cat and has not had his rabies shots yet. If anyone sees him I’d really appreciate their calling me at 440-9839. Thanks a ton.