

Ask the Ages brings together new and old friends from several music worlds

We previously posted about the “Is That Jazz” festival which was in the same location and included some of the same performers.

Performance: Saturday July 31, at 8pm, at the Chapel Performance Space at the Good Shepherd Center (4th floor, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle). Sliding scale $5-$15.

Ask the Ages brings together new and old friends from several worlds. The new band is: Greg Campbell, drums (Nels cline, Stuart Dempster, Wally Shoup, Wayne Horvitz); John Seman, bass (Monktail Creative Music Concern, Special O.P.S., Floss, Non Grata, Hunt & Peck), Matt Reid, trumpet, electronics (Black Math Quartet, 1st place 2004 & 2005 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival), and Brian Heaney, electric guitar and compositions (Sunship, Black Math Quartet, Stinkhorn).

Joining the quartet on this special occasion are three notable figures in music of the Seattle area, and the wide world: Stuart Dempster on trombone, didgeridoo, conch (new music, everything), Melissa Walsh (classical harp), and Archana Bennur (Indian karnatic singing). Dempster and Walsh are featured on the new SUNN(((O))) CD, Monoliths & Dimensions. Bennur is an All India Radio-listed vocalist in the classical south Indian tradition, and a rising star of the sub-continent’s vast musical world.

The enlarged Ask the Ages will perform music drawn from the edges of jazz and new music with sights set for drone und drang. The material will be drawn for Sun Ra, Alice Coltrane, Sonny Sharrock, and Brian Heaney.

Opening the show at the Chapel Performance Space, one of the city’s most music-friendly venues, is the guitar trio of Dennis Rea (Moraine, Iron Kim Style), Stephen Parris (Monktail, Special O.P.S.), and Brian Heaney.

Ask the Ages blog:

Brian Heaney

Ask the Ages

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