

FREE Rheumatoid Arthritis Acupressure Workshop

North Seattle Community Acupuncture will be giving a FREE acupressure workshop for Rheumatoid Arthritis on Saturday, March 26th, from 4p-6p and wanted to get the word out.

Suffering from the aches and pains
of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Then join us for a practical, hands-on workshop
that will teach you how to use acupressure
to help yourself.

Saturday, March 26th from 4p-6p
at North Seattle Community Acupuncture
11329 Pinehurst Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125

You can reserve a space in the class by calling us at 206-524-6428 or you can go to our
appointing page HERE. Then, login and choose to attend the event (lower left side of screen).

Any Questions? If so, please call us or visit our web page at

Mayor McGinn Northgate Visit This Weekend

The mayor sent out an invite for the surrounding neighborhoods to join him in Northgate this Saturday for a Q&A and neighborhood visit.

As part of the Engage Seattle initiative this year, in order to ensure that as many people as possible who live, work, or play in Seattle are able to voice their concerns and offer their feedback directly to the Mayor, we’re going to be holding a series of town halls, neighborhood visits, and other outreach events in every part of the city.

Aljoya Thornton Place Meeting Room
450 NE 100th St
Saturday, March 19th
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

MapleLeafLife also has more details on the walking tour that will be happening beforehand.

Coffee with Two Sallys: Pinehurst edition

I mentioned this before but I wanted to send a reminder that it’s next Saturday. We’re getting a special visit to the neighborhood and it’d be nice to get a good turnout to let them know what’s important to us here. Sidewalks, perhaps?

“Sally Clark and I have booked our second coffee chat for 2011, and we’re on the road to Pinehurst on Saturday, March 26th.

Join us from 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. at the Starbucks inside Pinehurst Safeway for coffee and conversation. Grab a cup of joe or a pastry and come talk with us about the city issues that are important to you. We’re bringing City Hall to you in an informal and accessible fashion.

If you plan to attend, send us a quick RSVP so we know how many folks we should expect.”

Coffee with the Sallys

Saturday, March 26, 2011, 9 – 11am
Pinehurst Safeway Starbucks
12318 15th Avenue Northeast
Seattle, WA 98125

Help shape the Seattle Parks and Recreation 2011 Development Plan

Seattle Parks and Recreation is planning its acquisition and development projects for the upcoming six years and identifying the demands, needs and priorities in a park development plan. The latest plan, the Seattle Parks and Recreation 2006 Development Plan, is being updated and it is anticipated that this 2011 Plan will be completed by the end of this year. The goal of this plan is to establish eligibility for State grants through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office.

Seattle Parks is asking for your input in determining the priorities for Seattle’s outdoor recreation and park needs.

We encourage you to participate by attending the upcoming meetings in March and by answering this quick survey.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Jefferson Community Center
3801 Beacon Ave S, 98108
7 – 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bitterlake Community Center
13035 Linden Ave N, 98133
7 – 8:00 p.m.

Development Plan Meeting

Development Plan Meeting

The King’s Proposal (or the Marriage of Princess Guido)

The King’s Proposal is a PG-13, Monty Python-like musical that tells the story of an evil king who tries to marry his daughter to an unwanted suitor. A case of mistaken identities turns into a tale of forced marriage—not to mention forced cross-dressing, forced song singing, occasional sword fighting and the obligatory puppet scene.

Book and Lyrics by Michael Govier
Music by Curtis Williams

March 20 through April 10, 2011
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 2pm
(Special show Thursday, April 7 at 7:30pm)

Seattle Musical Theatre
Magnuson Park
7120 62nd Ave. NE – Building #47
Seattle, WA 98115


For tickets and information call the Seattle Musical Theatre at (206) 363-2809, or see their website

Continue reading The King’s Proposal (or the Marriage of Princess Guido)

Legislative Town Hall

Legislative Town Hall

Sat, March 12, 12pm – 2pm
Meadowbrook Community Center
10517 35th Ave NE, 98125

From Sen. Scott White:

“Your 46th legislative delegation—including Representative Kenney, Representative Frockt, and myself—will be hosting a Town Hall meeting at 12pm on Saturday, March 12th at the Meadowbrook Community Center. “This is a great way for me to hear from you about your needs and priorities. As always, my job is to represent YOU, and I would love to hear your stories and perspectives. I hope you will be able to join us.”

Neighborhood Planning for Pinehurst (Well, part of it…)

There’s quite a bit of argument about the exact neighborhood boundaries these days. It doesn’t usually matter too much unless you run a neighborhood blog or you’re involved in the Neighborhood Planning process from the city.

In this case, it’s the second one. Most of Pinehurst technically falls into the plan for the Haller Lake-Bitter Lake- Broadview neighborhoods which is now being updated. Most of you (in the technical boundaries) should have received a post card on the process a couple weeks ago. This is a good chance to get input into the plan that will affect the larger city planning in our neighborhood for years to come.

An update of the original Neighborhood Plan for Haller Lake-Bitter Lake- Broadview (from Puget Sound to 15th Ave NE, 105th/Northgate to 145th St) has been underway for four months, the first Public Meeting will occur on March 12th at Broadview-Thompson School.

March 12, 2011
Meeting: 9:00 a.m. – noon
Open House: Noon – 1:00 p.m
Broadview-Thomson K-8 School (Cafeteria)
13052 Greenwood Ave. N.

There’s also a video of the process by one of their Neighborhood Advisory Councilmembers:

Spring Clean Our Neighborhood – Starts April 1

Spring is quickly approaching and that means it’s time for Spring Clean – Seattle’s premier community cleanup event.  SPU invites us to participate!

This program is a partnership of citizen volunteers and SPU, the Dept of Neighborhoods, Seattle Parks & Rec, And Seattle Dept of Transportation.

Dates: Spring Clean is a two-month event lasting from April through May.

Need a project idea? Pick up litter, protect salmon by stenciling storm drains, paint out graffiti, remove invasive plants, or join a planned event (such as Pinehurst’s Adopt-A-Street). Please note that all Spring Clean projects are on public property.

The city will help! FREE litter cleanup bags, gloves, safety vests, and wate disposal permits.

Get started: Call 206-233-7187 or go to

In April I’ll schedule our next Adopt-A-Street litter cleanup.  Garth will organize a Pinehurst Pocket Park maintenance project.  What else can we do to spruce up Pinehurst?

Ground Bird Nesting Season Starts; Please Be Sensitive To Habitat

Native ground birds around Seattle have begun to nest, and Seattle Parks and Recreation asks that park users show sensitivity to bird habitat by avoiding disturbing habitat and keeping dogs on short, retractable leashes, especially in developed or natural areas with shrub beds, meadows, wetlands, long grass, or thick areas of brush.


At Magnuson Park, for example, native birds such at Mallards, Killdeer, Spotted Sandpipers, Willow Flycatchers, Bewick’s Wrens, Pacific Wrens, Common Yellowthroats, Song Sparrows, Savannah Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows, and Spotted Towhees all nest at the park, either on or very near the ground. Some species raise their nestlings and fledglings (baby birds) until their feathers grow enough for them to fly. For most native bird species, nesting season lasts into August.   

Disturbances like allowing dogs to run through these areas will flush the birds out of their nests and may cause nest failure or death of the baby birds. Parks asks park users to let dogs off leash only in designated off-leash areas and to avoid areas where birds may be nesting. By ordinance, the shorelines are off limits to dogs with the exception of the off-leash area at Magnuson Park. Information about Seattle’s 11 off-leash areas is available online at

The birds need park users’ help and protection so that they can produce young this season. If park users see a nest or baby bird, Parks asks that they please keep their distance and leave the birds undisturbed.

 This advice goes for birds nesting in our neighborhood, too! 

Art in the Park

Ody5thGradePalm Sacajawea 5th grader Ody is tempting us with tropical visions, as we long for winter to end. 

Visit the Pinehurst Pocket Park at NE 117th St & 19th Ave NE to see this fine painting in the kiosk. 

Thank you, Ody!