

Pinehurst Residential Burglary Report – January through May 2010 *

If you have any questions on crime prevention or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill ( or at (206) 684-7711) at the North Precinct.


1/5  500blk NE 124th  the victim was in her living room around 1:30PM when she heard the doorbell, she did not answer it but looked outside and saw a female she described as white and in her 20’s  a few minutes later she heard the sound of breaking glass and called 911,  the suspect was scared off and did not make entry

1/12  11500blk 19th NE  the victims were away from the house for the evening, when they returned they found guitars, a laptop and cameras missing, there was no sign of forced entry to the house

1/14  2300blk NE 115th  the victim was gone for a couple of hours during the day, when she returned she found a door forced open, several pieces of costume jewelry were stolen

1/19  11300blk 12th NE  the victim was gone all day, when he returned he found that his door had been kicked in and cash and a laptop stolen

1/20  11500blk 19th NE   the victim rents a room in this house, she was gone for a few hours during the day,  when she came home she found that the back door had been forced open and two bedrooms ransacked, she was not sure what was stolen

1/21  12400blk 20th NE  this owner of this house just moved out, her son was notified of an alarm activation and found some pry marks on a window, it appeared that entry was made but no property taken

1/28  1600blk NE 117th  the victim was away for about an hour during the day, when she returned she discovered a window had been forced open, the house was ransacked so she was not sure what was taken


2/12  11700blk Pinehurst Wy NE  while the victim slept the suspect entered her home using a ladder to access a second story window, the suspect stole jewelry and her car

2/15  11300blk 5th NE  this house is being remodeled and is unlocked, the suspect(s) entered and stole a large number of tools

2/19  1400blk NE 125th  the victim left his tools inside the unlocked garage of a house that he had been working on, sometime overnight the tools were stolen

2/28  11700blk 24th NE  this is a house under construction, sometime overnight the back door was forced open and tools were stolen


3/15  11300blk 3rd NE  the victim says that her car was stolen from her secured apt. garage, there were no signs of forced entry

3/20  11500blk 22nd NE  the victim says he believes his troubled son entered his unlocked house and took property belonging to him and his father

3/21  13300blk 15th NE  the victim discovered that the sliding glass door to his apt. had been forced open, a laptop and video games were stolen


4/01  12500blk 14th NE  the victim was gone all day, when she returned she found a side door kicked in and her home ransacked, she was not able to determine what was stolen

4/18  11300blk 5th NE  the victim discovered that his home which is under construction had been entered overnight though an unlocked window, a number of tools were stolen

4/26  500blk NE 117th  the victim was gone all day, when she returned she saw that the back door had been forced open, she is not sure what was taken

4/26  11000blk Goodwin Wy NE  the victim was gone for several hours during the day, when he returned he found that 3 pair of expensive jeans and a wallet had been stolen, he said they usually leave the house unlocked


5/11  2500blk NE 120th  the victims were gone all day, when they returned they discovered that 2 laptops and a digital camera were missing, there was no sign of forced entry

5/13  12300blk Roosevelt Wy NE  the victim reports that his car which was parked in his apt.’s secured garage was damaged, several items were stolen, there was no sign of forced entry to the garage

5/23  11300blk 3rd NE  the victims had just moved into this apt. , they came home in the evening to find that the deadbolt had been pried from the front door, a laptop, shoes and papers were stolen

*unofficial stats

Open House Monday July 12th for Roosevelt Way Bicycling Improvements

This is a great bicycling improvement coming to our neighborhood. It should help with what I consider to be the worst part of my commute, which is the last 2 miles coming home through Maple Leaf and crossing Northgate Way.

The press release:

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is holding an open house regarding improvements planned for Roosevelt Way NE between NE 75th and NE 115th streets. The changes are designed to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety while maintaining the same number of lanes and the same capacity for motor vehicles traveling on the street.

Date: Monday, July 12
Time: 5 to 7 p.m.
Location: Fairview Christian School Auditorium, 844 NE 78th Street, (at Roosevelt Way NE and NE 78th)

The plan includes:

  • Removal of on-street parking on the west side of the street between NE 75th and NE 85th
  • A dedicated bike lane in the uphill sections with a shared car-bike lane (sharrows) downhill between NE 75th and NE 115th streets
  • A new marked crosswalk at Roosevelt Way NE and NE 90th Street

Plans will be available for viewing at the open house, and project staff will be on hand to explain the project and timeline, receive comments and answer questions.

The public may also contact SDOT at, or call 206-684-7583 to ask questions or submit comments.

This project is part of the Bridging the Gap transportation levy approved by Seattle voters.

For more information: 206-684-7583 or

Media contact: 206-684-8548

Losing Our Crime Prevention Coordinator?

I’ve seen multiple reports now that the position of Crime Prevention Coordinator is at risk. It’s funded by federal grant money which will be running out in March, 2011. Here in Pinehurst that means we could lose Diane Horswill.

Diane has attended many community meetings in our neighborhood, given out endless advise on making our homes safer, and been instrumental with programs like Seattle Night Out and local block watches.

As far as I can tell, the position hasn’t actually been eliminated yet. It’s just at risk due to the budget problems and the fact that it’s not currently part of the normal budget. As the Laurelhurst blog pointed out, you can can email or write City Council and the Seattle Police Department with concerns on this issue.

Previously Covered Here:
Laurelhurst Blog

Pinehurst Residential Burglary Report – June 2010 *

There’s been a large gap in these but I received them again this month.  If you have any questions on crime prevention or if you would like to form a block watch, please contact Diane Horswill ( or at (206) 684-7711) at the North Precinct.

6/8 1700blk NE 113th the victim was away for about an hour during the day, when she returned she discovered that her laptop and some jewelry had been stolen, there was no sign of forced entry


6/11 11700blk 8th NE the victim was away all day, when she returned she found a window partially open, it did not appear entry had been made


6/25 500blk NE 120th the victim reported that on 6/2 between 1:00AM-2:00AM he was awakened by noise in the house, he got up to check and heard the front door close, he then discovered that a camera was missing, there was no sign of forced entry


6/29 300blk NE 117th the victim was gone all day, when he returned he saw that his guitar was missing, it appeared that entry was made through a bedroom window


*unofficial stats

New Neighborhood Restaurant La Bera Replaces Seattle Crab Co.

Thanks to a Maple Leaf neighbor for this story – see it at

The location of former Seattle Crab Co., at 1000 NE Northgate Way, is opening this month as a new daytime coffee counter and evening sitdown Italian restaurant called La Bera. It will feature organic and locally grown food, and will include many vegetarian menu items.  Check it out!

Ask the Ages brings together new and old friends from several music worlds

We previously posted about the “Is That Jazz” festival which was in the same location and included some of the same performers.

Performance: Saturday July 31, at 8pm, at the Chapel Performance Space at the Good Shepherd Center (4th floor, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle). Sliding scale $5-$15.

Ask the Ages brings together new and old friends from several worlds. The new band is: Greg Campbell, drums (Nels cline, Stuart Dempster, Wally Shoup, Wayne Horvitz); John Seman, bass (Monktail Creative Music Concern, Special O.P.S., Floss, Non Grata, Hunt & Peck), Matt Reid, trumpet, electronics (Black Math Quartet, 1st place 2004 & 2005 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival), and Brian Heaney, electric guitar and compositions (Sunship, Black Math Quartet, Stinkhorn).

Joining the quartet on this special occasion are three notable figures in music of the Seattle area, and the wide world: Stuart Dempster on trombone, didgeridoo, conch (new music, everything), Melissa Walsh (classical harp), and Archana Bennur (Indian karnatic singing). Dempster and Walsh are featured on the new SUNN(((O))) CD, Monoliths & Dimensions. Bennur is an All India Radio-listed vocalist in the classical south Indian tradition, and a rising star of the sub-continent’s vast musical world.

The enlarged Ask the Ages will perform music drawn from the edges of jazz and new music with sights set for drone und drang. The material will be drawn for Sun Ra, Alice Coltrane, Sonny Sharrock, and Brian Heaney.

Opening the show at the Chapel Performance Space, one of the city’s most music-friendly venues, is the guitar trio of Dennis Rea (Moraine, Iron Kim Style), Stephen Parris (Monktail, Special O.P.S.), and Brian Heaney.

Ask the Ages blog:

Brian Heaney

Ask the Ages

I Like Sharing Caffeine

I got sent this multiple times so even with the short notice I thought I should still post it.  And even if you miss the free coffee there’s the buy one get one throughout the weekend.

Tully’s Coffee wants to make your holiday weekend an absolute blast, and what could be better than free beverages? Take a peek at the great offers we have lined up for you this Independence Day weekend.

Free Drip Coffee
Friday, July 2nd
7am – 10am

Buy One, Get One FREE Any Barista Beverage
All weekend, July 2nd – July 5th
*Free beverage must be of equal or lesser value

It only includes participating stores and unfortunately there’s nothing too close to Pinehurst.  It doesn’t seem to include the ones at 130th & Aurora or Holman Road so it looks like the next closest is at the UW (4700 University Way NE).

Picnic at North Precinct July 10th 1-4 pm


Picnic at the Precinct, sponsored by the Seattle Police Foundation, is a fun time for the whole family.  Festivities include free food, music, clowns and magic. 

Learn about our precinct and many of the department’s spcialty units including:

  • K-9
  • Mounted
  • Bomb squad
  • SWAT

In addition, many prizes are donated by local businesses.

The North Precinct is at 10049 College Way N. near North Seattle Community College.

For more information about this event, contact Renee Hopkins at 206-684-0373

Pinehurst Car Burglary

From Andrea:

FYI. This is to let everyone know that my car was broken into late Sunday-early Monday 6/27-6/28. They broke the driver’s window, stole two new tents, several Lake City Library DVDs & several other small items of very little worth.

This is the 3rd time since February, 2010 that my car has been burgled. In February, several other cars along 117th Street & 22nd St. were also broken into. Each time this has occurred to others & myself, it was between the 25th & the end of the month.

This was sent out to the email list earlier so many people would have already seen it.  I wanted to post it here for for future comments and discussion too.

My Seattle Neighborhood Map On-line

The City of Seattle has an interactive map on-line that shows views of city services, impacts (fire incidents), crime statistics, and police reports.  You can see it at  Choose the ‘North’ area for Pinehurst, or you may enter an address.  Use the drop down menus on the left to add layers of services to the map.  For instance, in the Community section, if you click on Farmers Markets, an icon will appear on the map wherever there is a farmers market.  Or in the Parks section, click on basketball courts to see where they are.

If you click Police Reports at the top of the page and choose ‘North’ again, the map populates with icons representing instances of various types of crime.  Hover over an icon for more information.  Theoretically you can use the Go number to read the police report on the police report page I mentioned in another posting 6/27/2010, but it hasn’t worked for me yet.
