

“Is That Jazz” Festival This Month

I just got passed some info on a music festival with a Pinehurst connection.  There is an avant-jazz music festival the next couple weekends which includes Sunship (previously mentioned here) on Friday, January 22nd.  It includes Brian Heaney from Pinehurst and Stuart Dempster who lives in Lake City.  I also want to repeat the trivia that Stuart is credited with introducing the didjeridu to North America because that’s amazingly cool.

WHAT: IS THAT JAZZ? – avant-jazz music festival featuring some of the most unique and creative musicians from all over the country.

WHERE: The Chapel Performance Space (4639 Sunnyside Avenue North, Seattle – SW corner of 50th and Sunnyside in Wallingford).

WHEN: January 22, 23, 29, 30, 2010 – 8:00 PM

WHO:  Cuong Vu Trio (Seattle and NYC)
Tom Baker Quartet (Seattle)
Sun Ra Tribute Band (Pac Northwest)
Jesse Canterbury’s Vertigo (Seattle)
Sunship (Seattle and NYC)
Bad Luck (Seattle)
Bill Smith Trio (Seattle)
Evan Flory-Barnes’ Threat of Beauty (Seattle)
COST: $15 suggested donation. All ages welcome.
WHO: Cuong Vu Trio (Seattle and NYC)
Tom Baker Quartet (Seattle)
Sun Ra Tribute Band (Pac Northwest)
Jesse Canterbury’s Vertigo (Seattle)
Sunship (Seattle and NYC)
Bad Luck (Seattle)
Bill Smith Trio (Seattle)
Evan Flory-Barnes’ Threat of Beauty (Seattle)
COST: $15 suggested donation. All ages welcome.

INFO: Festival Website:

Is It Jazz Festival

Safeway Parking Lot Pharmacy

The temporarily building in the Safeway parking lot is for the pharmacy and not the upcoming construction project.

They are still waiting on the permits so there is not yet a final timeline for the demolition and new construction.  But they’re getting ready with the temporary pharmacy which will be available during construction (as discussed here) when the rest of the building is unavailable.  Currently, it sounds like the hope is for the store to close at the end of February with demolition in April and a brand new store in December.  But again, nothing is finalized.

Northgate Rezone EIS Published

The Northgate Rezone EIS has been finalized and published online. It doesn’t contain substantially much over the previously released draft EIS.

Also, the Northgate Stakeholders group has concluded. The representatives from the business communities and from the neighborhood communities were unable to come to a consensus regarding whether the rezone should be a single legislative rezone or individual contract rezones. The Seattle City Council will make the ultimate decision.

See previous posts on the Northgate Rezone for more information about what the rezone might look like.

John Muir Elementary and Nathan Hale High School Win $15,000 Awards

Symetra Financial and the Seattle Seahawks announced today that John Muir Elementary School and Nathan Hale High School have won 2009 Symetra Heroes in the Classroom “MVP Awards.” Through the award, each school will receive a $15,000 grant to fund an innovative student achievement program.

Here’s the whole article.

Community Action Fair at 46th District Democrats Meeting, January 21st

The 46th District Democrats are holding a Community Action Fair on January 21st, and there are some things on the agenda which are of interest to the general public. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Olympic View Elementary school, NE 95th St & 8th Ave NE. Here’s the flyer.

  • The special guest will be Darryl Smith, who is new Deputy Mayor responsible for interface with our city’s neighborhoods
  • They will have discussion and receive suggestions about important local issues for inclusion in the 2010 party platform
  • The evening will include a “Local Action Fair” at which non-profit organizations serving our community will have the opportunity to present information about their missions and activities

Dinners at St. George Episcopal Church

St. George Episcopal Church offers dinner on the third Sunday of every month, 1-3 p.m. Additionally each Sunday evening there is a dinner provided at 5:30 p.m. The evening dinner is prepared and served by the interfaith group “Stop, Drop and Roll”. The participating congregations are: Lake City Christian; St. Bridget’s (R.C.); Temple Beth-Am and Congregation Beth Shalom; Seattle Mennonite Church; St. Matthew’s (R.C.). St. George is the hosting congregation for the evening meals being provided. There is no charge for the meals, everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the food and fellowship.

Addendum to North District Council & 115th Sidewalk

For the current round of Bridging the Gap Neighborhood Street Fund projects, the Department of Transportation asked each District Council to submit their top 3 projects. At the North District Council meeting, covered here previously, the Council ranked the 33rd Ave project third and the 115th St sidewalk project fourth when put to a tiebreaker vote. However, the Council has decided to submit both projects as tied for third place. This increases the likelihood that SDOT will consider the 115th St sidewalk project for funding!

Thornton Creek Alliance General Membership Meeting, Thursday, January 21

Thornton Creek Alliance is holding a meeting on Thursday.  Here’s the flyer, a Word document. I’ve pasted whole flyer below.

Continue reading Thornton Creek Alliance General Membership Meeting, Thursday, January 21

Ideas for Disposing Electronics

Seattle Public Utilities will pick up and recycle TVs, computers and other electronic items from your curb for a $20 fee. Call (206) 684-3000 to request an electronics collection. Apartment residents should contact their building manager to arrange for electronics collection.

Looking for a free option? Contact or 1-800-RECYCLE for computer and TV drop-off locations.

Also visit for cell phone and fluorescent light bulb drop-off locations. Some charge a fee.

Finally, check out It’s a non-profit organization that provides refurbished computers and technology skills to underserved communities worldwide.

Your Input is Needed on Science and Society

Meadowbrook Community Center is partnering with the Pacific Science Center to do a workshop for adults and they need your input.  If interested please attend this workshop to see how you can bring relevant topics to our neighborhood:

Interest Group on Science & Society
Saturday, January 23, 2010
2:00-3:30 p.m. at Meadowbrook Community Center
Refreshments provided

Your input is needed! Pacific Science Center and Meadowbrook Community Center are planning a forum on science and society to be held this spring and we need help from community leaders to make it happen. We want to hear about the issues your community faces and your ideas for encouraging community engagement. Please join us – no science background required.

Please RSVP to Wendy Hansen: | 206-443-2896